Republican former Suffolk County DA Ralph Martin II in today’s Globe:
I never thought that serving the ideals of the Constitution made you soft or tough on crime. In this gubernatorial race, it is important for the voters to recognize that the governor should aspire to serve the ideals of the Constitution because it is the Constitution that governs us all. Respecting the Constitution doesn’t make you soft or tough — it only makes you just and fair.
Watch for all kinds of people in the legal community to close ranks around Patrick, decrying this latest Republican assault on the legal system — and indeed the Constitution.
And let’s not forget that vigorous criminal defense is indispensible precisely because it’s so important to get the right guy, as a matter of protecting the public and administering justice.
And it must be said: The pain of crime victims is never proof of any individual’s guilt or innocence. Flatly, the victim’s rights groups are wrong to criticize Patrick for trying to make sure justice was done in a seriously flawed case.
Martin lays it out pretty starkly: Should the next Governor be someone who respects the Constitution, or not?
OJ is still looking for the killer, and Deval is still looking the rapist.