Adam points us to, pointing to Rasmussen’s newest numbers. (Rasmussen only releases its newest results to subscribers.)
Patrick 53%, Healey 29%. Absolutely in line with the others. Nothing to see here, folks, move along…
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Post a comment on the “Attack Ads Helped Deval Patrick” board. The Reprobates are out in full force.
These poor wretches believed Kerry Healey when she told them it was less than ten points, and now they find out the truth. Remember the desperation of the Yankee fans when A-Rod got busted in game six? They went from thinking they could steal it to having nothing to look forward to but a rout of Kevin Brown to cap the worst collapse in history. They actually believed — and suddenly they got hit with the crushing reality.
All right, so maybe I don’t have that much pity for them.
p> – Dan
Or wallow in the directionless, futile venom they’re spitting until they’re poisoned to death. Don’t even bother refuting them. They’re shouting the dangers of air travel from the deck of the Titanic.
In the Boston Globe’s piece on the polling data they quote a Healey spokeswoman, Amy Lambiaso. I wonder what happened to Tim “I like my meat raw” O’Brien?
And here I was thinking that Kerry Healey’s announcement that she is returning to less negative adds was some pathetic attempt to regain whatever shreds of decency she might be able to redeem before the crushing and humiliating defeat that now lies inevitably before her.
Now come to find out that she is merely reacting to the polling that shows that Massachusetts voters have responded appropriately to the sleaziest campaign ever run in this state. More than 60% now say that they are less likely to vote for her because of her adds.