First, let me state that Ben LaGuer may not have received a fair trial and evidence collection methods in the mid 80s may well have contaminated the 2002 DNA tests. A much smarter man then I will argue that before the SJC. I applaud all who fight to reverse possible injustices, and frankly that is the kind of person I want to be our next Governor.
The point of this post is to condemn LaGuers blatant self-promotion in which he injected himself into a Governors race and has adversely impacted not only the Democrats chance of winning the Governors Office, but (figuratively) stabbed in the back a manDeval Patrickwho has worked to insure LaGuer received real justice.
Im specifically referring to LaGuers phone calls to Adrian Walker and Dan Rea (sorry no link) volunteeringwith no prompting from anyonethat Deval made a $5,000 donation for DNA testing. This of course raised the volume of the issue considerably and now gives the Healey camp their best ammo against Deval.
Why did LaGuer do this? What motivationother than self promotiondid he have to inject this donation into the Governors race 5 weeks before the election? And how can we verify his claim that Deval gave $5,000? I think that number is falseLaGuer is lying about that number. Everyone Ive talked with, or listened toincluding Devals responsebelieves that anyone who wrote a $5,000 check (except for Bill Gates) would remember writing that check. But now the $5,000 figure is reported as fact, when the only person contending it to be true is Ben LaGuer.
I very much want justice to be serviced in the Ben LaGuer case and if that means a new trial ordered by the SJCgreat. That is how our system should work.
But for the nexts fours weeks, I want Ben LaGuer to shut the hell up and stop throwing under the train people that have tried to help him. For the next 4 weeks, I dont care if LaGuer is some kind of victim himselfI care about getting Deval Patrick elected Governor. For now, I have no sympathy for Ben LaGuer.
There’s an irony that Mr. LaGuere’s benefactor may actually cost him time in prison. Imagine, with the current political background and high profile, that the parole board will think twice, or more than twice, in a 1998 decision to parole Laguere.
may be smarter than you or I, but he now will have to think twice about serving in the public sector or running for any public office, at least according to the Kerry Healeys of this country who are “soft on justice.”
There’s something fishy in Denmark re: the $5000. I’m not even clear which “side” benefits from the truth, but the background of the $5000 isn’t yet out in the open. IMHO.
b/c that amount would indicate that the donor took the case quite seriously.
It’s more important to get Deval elected. Ben should know that. If he has to sit in jail for the greater good so be it.
Deval turned his back on Ben before he “stabbed him in the back” as you say.
You sound like you drank some Kool-Aid Frank.
and claiming that Deval gave him $5,000 for the DNA tests, how did that help Ben one bit in getting his freedom or overturning an injustice?
BTW, I think this was the first time I was accused of drinking Deval’s kool-aid.
To whom was the $5000 contributed? I’m assuming it wasn’t payable to LaGuere