Today I received a robocall from the Healy campaign or some group supporting her regarding Deval’s alleged stance on education. Here’s the a transcript:
Deval Patrick opposes charter schools, merit pay for teachers, and keeping MCAS as a graduation requirement. He is setting up our students for failure.
Kerry Healy will challenge students to be their best. She will make sure students and teachers have the tools to succeed and will expand the opportunity for parents to take an active role in their child’s public education.
Kerry Healy’s education plan equals better results for our schools.
That was it. Nothing to identify who the call came from. The call had exactly the same message as a flyer I recieved two days ago from MRSC. I live in Sunderland, MA. Very slick, well orchestrated attack on Deval.
I have no idea whether robcalls are legal in Massachusetts. Anybody know? And is the Deval campaign launching a pushback?
and I’ve gotten several from both camps. I got a Healey robocall tonight decrying the possibility of combining a democratic governor with a tax-n-spend legislature and didn’t I think that was just the worst thing EVAR?
Before the primary I got about a dozen from Gabrielli, a couple from Reilly, and some for Tim Murray. I think the only candidate I’ve not gotten a robocall from is Deval Patrick.
I hate robocalls, I really do.
He’s taking it up with his 527, now that the TV ads are done running.
PS – I have a machine! Easy to program, easy to use!
Yes RoboCalls are legal and no you do not the disclaimer…paid for by stuff.
Unsuprising they’d try to twist his opinion on a reworking of the charter school formula into an opposition to charter schools, or merit pay for schools into no merit pay for teachers. But he’s been pretty clear about supporting the MCAS as a graduation requirement, unlike certain republican candidates we know.…
And thanks Charley for frontpaging my post.
Deval’s site has some really good info on his education stand. Looks solid and very well reasoned. Healy’s crew really are pushing a load crap.