One thing about a mutual admiration society is that the meetings can be rather boring. I have attempted to alleviate the boredom by including a bit of critical thinking in some of the diaries posted on BMG. I believed that the Democrats were pitching a big tent and that all progressives were welcome. I did not know that dog-like devotion to all things Deval was a pre-requisite for being welcome in the tent. Recent events lead me to believe that there is no room left in this tent for me. I guess I will just have to stay outside. So Charley et al . . . good bye, I will now take my leave. It is my hope that the Devalistas are a little more tolerant of future critics than they were of me.
BTW despite the intolerance I see here every day, I still believe that I will be voting for your guy. It isn’t his fault that the regular posters on this site are so strident.
Herakles, we need as many disparate voices as we can get. If you must, leave for a break, but I suggest it’s too hasty to quit this site altogether.
Election Day is weeks away, so of course it’s going to be increasingly like an echo chamber in here. You don’t expect the infantry to be arguing about who should be first in line as they march on to the battlefield, do you? At this point in the campaign, the time for debate is drawing to a close.
I have certainly had my issues with Deval’s positions, and his supporters. I can’t entirely close out the possibility of voting for Mihos. But there will be plenty of interesting battles to fight in the days ahead, worth sticking around for.
Even right now, it’s well worth debating the ballot questions, or (for some) the SoS race. Don’t let the Dittoheads of the Left get you down.
Don’t let the Dittoheads of the Left get you down
How long did it take you to come up with that bit of brillance?
First this gem-
Drip drip drip (1.28 / 7)
His lead is shrinking faster than the Arctic Ice Cap. If you think it is all over, you are soooo wrong. Rapists and Cop Killers are his friends, the tax payers are his sheep to be slaughtered. The ads write themselves, as shameful as they are. Governor Patrick? Not so fast, my friends.
And now a self important, victimized, whiny goodbye…? Well then, goodbye. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. There’s plenty of room for dissenting voices here, EB3, gary, Peter Porcupine, and others. The difference is they actually say something worth reading.
What is the problem with Herekles statement. All you lame lefty lemmings gave him zeros and threes?
Herekles says,
“the ads write themselves, as shameful as they are.”
So what the hell is everyone’s problem?
Oh, the tone. Ahhh, the inability to read a point of view. That happenes when one surrenders the ability to think critically. Pass the Kool- Aid
Herekles was your friend and you drove him away.
‘Rapists and Cop Killers are his friends, the tax payers are his sheep to be slaughtered.’
Also, the full post he wrote about how much BMG sucked -not this one, a different one, check his diary history- didn’t help my opinion of him much.
But, by request…Consider EB3 off the list of dissenting voices who actually have something to say.
oh, nooooo…EB3 gone…the axis of evil….we’re melting…
…never mind. I’m fine.
Right? He was pointing out how the oppos want people to think. You do understand that, right?
I don’t think that was abundantly clear from what he said, and paired with his BMG sux post I didn’t, don’t, and won’t take much he has to say very seriously.
Perhaps, if you’re correct, he could’ve cleared that up himself. I mean, instead of having Ernie do the dirty work. Dig his comments and diaries, not just EB3 but anybody. If this, my comments, strike you as unfair please rate them accordingly. I don’t think they are.
of all of you. Can’t you read a point of view.
If I say Joe called you an asshole, am I calling you an asshole?
Of course not. And that is what herekles wrote. That the assholes are calling Deval an asshole and unfortunately it is working.
Can’t you desciples read? I really mean it when I say this blog has become one big Deval circle jerk. A picture of Dval in the middle of all of you you think with your political penises and not your brains.
Critical Thinking – ahhh the cost of being a lame lefty lemming.
You and other Kool Aid drinkers so embarrass yourself
Is this the first “Goodbye Cruel World” diary at BMG?
Made famous at DailyKos
GBCW GoodBye Cruel World. A type of diary where a user announces that they are through with dkos and are leaving for all time. Posting a GBCW diary is usually not a good idea; they tend to be greeted with ridicule. This diary (big download) is considered to be the Platonic ideal of GBCW diaries.
There’s critical thinking and then there’s flame bait. shrugs
Pleasant journey to you. Maybe you should start your own blog?
Poor Hera. Can’t get no respect! Can’t get anyone to play those games! Door swinging…don’t let ass get in the way.
Left the moonbats many moons ago. I understand how frustrating it is to deal with logic here.
why do you come then? I don’t hang out on the winger blogs because I know we will never see eye to eye. I have posted a few comments over at Hub Pol but have never whined that they don’t agree with me….if they did they wouldn’t be f@#$ing Republicans!
The guys a dem. He don’t like Healy. He understands that Dems have a big tent. And you guys show how lame the party is so he says “screw you!”
Lame lefty lemmings
chuckle when I read all the moon bat crap. Although I will not vote for Patrick ,I really hope he gets in because after 4 years of moon bats screwing up the state the grownups will once again return for another 20 years.
You answered for Andy using Right Middle Left’s handle.
Now that’s what I call a positive attitude!
Do you think it is good government to have the executive branch and 90+ % of the legislature (veto proof)controlled by one party ?
Harkin’ back to the Dukakis/King days. The legislature and the executive branch did not get along and vetoes happened.
Small break for Duke’s predisential run but the branches did not like each other.
What if the other party was the Nazi party?
just don’t drown in your pool of self pity…
Only one phrase comes to mind when I read the lame lefty lemming comments and ratings.
Why “Circle Jerk” of course.
It must be so hard to be conservative in today’s world. Sure, you control 99.9% of everything and get 99.9% of everything you want, but it’s that .1% that rankles. When you ask for the sun, moon, and stars, sure you get in, and they throw in the aglazies just to be nice, but you wanted a little bit more. It hurts, but you soldier on. Brave, my friend. And you’ll never be a lemming, because despite controlling everything and having about 15 political parties that cater just to you, well mysteriously you still manage to be an oppressed minority, soldiering on bravely as a lone fighter, fighting the man that can never create a world of 100 + % where you’d finally get everything you dersve. As long as there’s one lone lemming oposing your cast of thousands, you’re still the most oppressed and most resentful amjority overlords in history. Keep up teh fight, my friend, you’re an example inspiring awe. Off to tell my relatives they can’t be REAL working class until they absory the sterotypical whining entitled conservative attitudes they’re supposed to represent in your head. The opposite of cranky old whiny guy is clearly leftist, which would actually make most of the older white working class guys leftist, because they don’t whine or think they’re victims or follow your tired “real America” script in their politics, but let’s pretend the world is liek it is inside your head where you’re a brave voice of dissent in our state and world.
Ern, this just in, there’s actually a seat on a Nebraska water borad that isn’t controlled by a Repub or a hack Dem, fly! Fly like the wind and avenge your breed! They need you!
I Write alot of shit oin this blog. Make a case. Show me my conservative views.
You make my case, lefty lemming ladida
comparing us is like comparing my 90 yr old grandmother who has aproblem with abortion to the anti-abortion nut who kills doctors.
You are like the anti-abort guy that kills doctors. Meaning. You are init was to deep dude. Have you lost some sense of reality? Because I really think you have.
and not her brain. Because I don’t join in the Deval circle jerk I am therefore a conservative.
You people are just as dangerous as the evangelicals.