Is it me, or is everyone else enjoying the we’re not going to take this crap anymore approach from the Deval Patrick campaign.
Jon Keller in his normal backhanded kind of way gave kudos to the Deval Patrick campaign on challenging Kerry on their endorsement of Gun Owners Action League (GOAL).
Tim Murray, waited outside a Healey speaking engagement to ambush her with demands that she disclose the gunlaw stances she took to win endorsement from the Gun Owners Action League of Massachusetts.
I am going to welcome this debate on crime anytime that Tim Murray or Deval Patrick wants to bring it to me because their record is clear, said Healey.
Well, no need to wait…
Healey: There you are.
Murray: We hope you’ll be able to release your answers to the questionnaire because it will add to a full and valuable discussion of all the issues related to public safety.
Healey: I will never weaken the laws on gun control here in Massachusetts, but I will also tell you that I support the legal ownership of guns for our sportsmen here in Massachusetts.
Murray: As do we, but where do you stand on ammunition?
Healey: You know, what Id like to know is why don’t you release your Mass. Teachers Association information as well because maybe we’d know where you guys stand.
So um, where do you stand on armor-piercing ammunition again? Since Healey’s response was why don’t you release your MTA survey, well to be honest, I’m not really sure. The Healey staff to the rescue once again, Keller went on to detail:
One issue Murray says he wanted to ask Healey about was the sale of armor-piercing bullets, which he and Patrick oppose. The Healey campaign says she does, too.
That’s nice.
Welcome to the new campaign Muffy!
How do I watch or listen to the LG debate tonight? I have DirectTV (not comcast) and I don’t think I get NECN. Is it on the radio?
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is looking quite good here, I think. He is pugnacious and quick on his feet. Good job so far, but I’m still watching….
I think the Deval campaign should be using Murray more as their attack dog. That’s a good middle ground between not going negative and Deval himself going negative. We Murray to throw some more punches!
Murray has a nice pugnacious streak here which is very useful. I’d like to see him more taking the debate to Healey and confronting her on our Issue of The Day. Maybe tomorrow she can ask her the “what did you know and when did you know it” question regarding the Big Dig. She’ll have to admit that that either she knew nothing because Romney wouldn’t allow her to order paper clips or that she’s an active participant in a serious cover-up by failing to report what she knew to the Feds.