Its time to implement the Kitchen Sink Strategylets throw everything we have at Kerry Healey and drive her already pathetic favorable/unfavorables into the septic tank. She will tear Deval apart and we’ll rear her apart. Her negatives are a lot higher than ours and Deval has a softer cushion with his high favorables.(Call it the scorched earth strategy or whateveryou get my point.) We all know the list is long and does not bear repeatingjust peruse Charleys writings for some ideas. (BTW Charley, I caught your last minute on WTTK this afternoongreat stuff.)
I understand folks will have lots of reasons not to do thisDeval being the first because its not his style (which was one of the minor reasons I choose not to support him in the primarypolitics IS a blood sport, I once told him in a brief conversation and the Republicans will tear you apart.)
To those of you who think my suggestion is a bad idea, I offer up two points: Michael Dukakis/Willie Horton and John Kerry/Swift Boats Veterans. Sure Deval has a 20 to 25 point lead. But are Democrats so stupid that we need a 10 point slide in the polls before we realize that were hemorrhaging?
Our choices are fairly limited here. WHEN (no if here) Healey blasts Deval as a liar who can not be trusted (with your money, on crime, on taxes ), Deval has only a few choices. He can whine about negative attackswe saw where that got him in the second debate during the primary. He can spend $3 million in advertising apologizing and explaining the situationand make this a photo finish race and go down in the history books next to the 77 Red Sox.
Or Deval can show folks he is tough and is a fighter and do to Kerry as she WILL BE doing to him. Yes, it is as simple as that. Sure this will run counter to the nice Deval that hes been portraying in his recent ads and his speeches during the last year. OK, hell take a hit on thatbut thats all insider stuff. The swing voter wont be paying attention.
The next 4 weeks will not be pretty. Some folks will think a rope-a-dope strategy with a 25 point lead will work and we should lay-low. That may have worked once for Ali, but Ive seen to many Massachusetts Dems try it and lose.
Don’t piss Frank off.
Let’s go get em!
Just don’t hurt anyone, ok?
well, I don’t know if this is the moment to throw everything at her, but something needs to be thrown her way now.
Right now Patrick is playing her game, fending off her attacks. And even if he does fend off her attacks, he is still playing her game, not his.
The point isn’t just to win, it is to win with as a big a mrgin as possible so that Patrick has the authority with the legislature to get things done.
So, enough with the soft warm commercials. They are ok, but they need to be supplemented with attacks on Healey on the issues Patrick wants to talk about. Make her play his game…not the other way around.
I assure you all the local media outlets will run after the soccer ball.
Polling continues to show that people just don’t like Muffy.
It won’t be hard to play on the prevailing perception. Also, those wonderful Republican ads linking Healey to Mitt (Bad Joke) Romney, there’s plenty of opportunities to reinforce the negative impression of Healey.
I sense that Deval should start “attacking” Kerry.
The advice would be to be relentless until election day.
It’s not about negative impressions anymore, it’s about core issues. Deval’s lieing has changed the impressions of him even with his base. Now he has to be a candidate, not a facade.
…is Christy’s cartoonist available?
I wholeheartedly agree-Deval Patrick NEEDS to go on the offensive. I think that Republicans have ruled long enough, and like many people I have talked to say-(many prominent professors of political science), the “balance” in this state anyway, really doesn’t matter-as has our good friend Deval Patrick has so eloquently pointed out. BUT-if he doesn’t start now, Kerry M. Healey and Reed V. Hillman WILL be sworn in as Governor and Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth on January 4th, 2007.
Deval’s ads where he looks into the camera and speaks are good. I don’t watch much TV, but has Deval been up on the air yet with those? Does he have money? Has it been rolling in the door?
OCPF reports contributions of $410,284 for the month of September. That’s way down from August’s $695,000.
Does that count donations to the Mass Dems and to the Murray campaign after the election? It all goes into the same pot after that.
Since the primary the campaign & Patrick/Murray Victory fund have taken in a little over $2.2 mm
I’m not sure what part of that $2.2 mm is filed under Patrick with OCPF and which goes to the victory fund which was formed right after the primary…
Deval has been up with one of the soft ads–I think it is Victory 06 money (but I’m not up on the legal entities of what committee is paying for what ads) There is apparently money around for TV (the $750,000 in state party money, the $750,000 in public finance money and whatever Deval has been raising–maybe $300,000 since the primary). Money will always be our problem–but my point is we should start going negative NOW.
Healey has been negative since Primary night and we’ve been riding on a big lead. Now that we have given them (high priced Republican operatives) something they can really use in their art of negative advertising, we need to abandon these West Wing, warm and fuzzy ads and match them negative ad for negative ad. Talking into the camera works when people trust you, but Healey’s consultants are about to shred that image and we’ve got to take her much farther down than she takes Deval.
We lost, in large part, in 2002 because we lost on the taxes issue. We were going into a huge deficit and people were very worried about the economy. The threat of new taxes played better than it does today when we don’t face that pressure. Kerry Healey’s playbook is missing that issue, it simply is not working for her.
She has been forced to go to the gut-punch of pure fear on the issue of Deval Patrick being a friend of or friendly to cop-killers and criminals. As the newspapers said, this is a ‘Hail Mary’ pass for her. I think it will have some resonance, but more with male voters, who tend to be more receptive to this generally.
Healey’s fear card is the increase in hidden taxes (fees, no joke) and the disregard for the property tax as an issue. She brushes off the fees issue and says that they are nothing. Ahm, I beg to differ. The Town of Shrewsbury, as one example, now has the following fees for kids in school:
Sports Fee 225/sport 675 fam cap
Bus Fees 210/420 cap
Pre-school and after school programs 1155-1800 PreK, 2350 K
This is big money for the average family in Massachusetts who just want their kids to take the bus to school, play a sport or even attend pre-school or after school programs.
These figures are from a survey site of schools fees for Massachusetts cities and towns at: http://www.superedne…
Kerry Healey is very vulnerable with the exact group of voters that Shannon O’Brien should have had last time, but lost: Families on a budget.
I see the point you are trying to make, but Shrewsbury might not be the best example.
According to Shrewsbury’s FY06 budget document, both their c70 aid and the percentage of their budget funded by state aid has doubled since 2000. See page 6 of their report.
I loathe school fees, but they are a local decision.
Even with what Shrewsbury got on Local Aid, look at those fees. The pressure on fees comes because the State is not doing it’s job and is passing the buck to cities and towns. This is happening on property taxes and so forth. The Republican way to to pass the buck, get residents to fight over ever smaller portions of a shrinking pie and pretend that they are holding the line because they are keeping income taxes down. This is a shell game.
It is also avaible to voters in bite sized pieces that they can understand. These fees have been going since Romney/Healey got elected. She is costing the average family in Massachusetts a lot of money in tax and fee increases and she is pretending that an average of around $200 a year makes up for it if the income tax gets rolled back.
We have to explain this in terms of dollars and sense per household. That’s where the opening is and where people can see it for themselves. The best line Deval Patrick had was the one that said Healey’s income tax rollback might bet you $200, but fixing the potholes in the roads costs the average driver $500 a year in repairs. Which would you rather have, $200 or not paying $500.
The problem with going negative is that you turn off your core voters. I would be careful about going too negative. It doesn’t play well, especially with some key constituencies, like women. They tend to get turned off of the process and stay home. We need them to turn out, not tune out.
to ward off Swiftboaters…
You need to go after them, sure, but not attack.
Deval’s got a huge lead; he’d be remiss to change his strategy now.
We’ll do Deval’s dirty work for him. Kerry Healey’s a schmuck and I have no problem informing the public just how much of a schmuck she is.
Here at BMG–where about 2000 of us each day check into? Call into talk radio and run into the buzz saw of the right wing (which I do BTW)? Nope, this needs $ and TV and the only folks that can do that is Deval and the Coordianted Committee.
That way he stays positive in the minds of the voters but communicates the failures of Republican policies., (both for those R’s who can’t spell Healey) and all now point to the lovely Herald Story today….
Good grabs. Maybe keep changing them, people need to see the state’s actual crime statistics, the youtube video where she flips on MCAS, etc.
There is a ground campaign that needs to be waged. Mobilize the Patrick/Murray machine…get people out with signs everywhere. NOW.
We have been waiting for the combined signs and directions to canvas.
The air campaign can only be accomplished with $$$. Who is leading the smiling and dialing? Where are the Congressmen’s machine in their districts raising the dough? Time to twist some arms and wring some pocket books.
My blessed elderly catholic mother said tonight “that woman is an evil b—–“, not mom’s usual vernacular – just her observation of the Springfield debate. Let her (KMH) continue her arrogant, sarcastic remarks and make an ad about her leadership temperament.
“We have been waiting for …directions to canvas.”
We have? Went canvassing on Saturday and the directions were clear. (Up Elm three 3 blocks, hang a left on Elder, and loop back down Prescott)
We need to counter the ridiculous mischaracterizations, but it’s not worth switching tracks to go down to their level. We’ve run a positive campaign, on the issues we want to talk about, and it’s definitely not time to let Kerry Healey or anyone dictate the terms of the debate. People aren’t going to buy what she’s selling, and there’s no reason to give credence to any of it.
Deval and the campaign leadership totally screwed up talking about the LaGuer case, but that’s no reason to try looking as desperate as Healey.
I was so offended by this recent Healy ad that ends with the line “lawyers have a right to defend cop killers, but do we have to elect one as governor” (or something to that effect). If you look at the wording and specifically the grammatical structures of that last line very carefully, you will see that its meaning is actually unclear, actually very cleverly ambiguous, while not precisely a lie–only because it is just unclear enough–it sounds like Patrick is the “cop killer” not the lawyer, mentioned way at the beginning of the sentence. Also, this ad is so cleverly tapping into a basement of racist bigotry that it relies on a strategy of confusing the viewer by the alternating pictures of “the cop killer” and the “lawyer” in a way that does not make it clear which one is the candidate and which one is “the black guy,” to put it bluntly. I was so nauseated when I saw this ad on TV today–it is sooooo obviously a very very sophisticated and subtle piece of work. I’m sorry, but this IS the kitchen sink. Do not kid yourself. This ad is brought to you by the same people who scared the shit out of voters in South Carolina in 2000.
This ad is aimed at people who are not really paying attention, some of whom will vote.
I personally think somehow Deval or someone has to call it for what it is. But, without getting into the basement with her because what that would mean is bringing in all the sexist garbage, to which I am equally opposed. So perhaps, this should also be openly and forcefully and convincingly denounced along with the race-baiting. That would be taking the high ground.
We are in for it, i fear.
Let us remeber the David Duke effect – the tendency of white voters to lie about their racist to pollsters. Deval’s negatives are probably low-balled and then with all this stuff, he could quickly hit the tipping point.
The arrogance in this statement is exceeded by the cynicism and both are well outdone by the naive, 5th grade logic given.
First of all; anybody disinterested in the issues, facts and candidates belongs to that part of the electorate least likely to vote… a cohort far in excess of the 20 percent figure quoted. The reason they are far less likely to vote is because they dislike both “blood sports” and hyper-aggressive twelve year olds telling them that “blood sports” are the only viable political solution There are a bazillion more milquetoasts out there who would much rather give up the franchise than be exhorted to ruthless frothing at the mouth.
Secondly; any individual who receives information in so superficial a manner as that which is described above is less swayed by the headlines and TV ads and far far more at the mercy of the hopes, fears, attitudes and ideas of those with whom they come in immediate contact. TV ads don’t tell anybody what to think; they only either contradict or reinforce. If you continually re-inforce the message of the Healey campaign (especially with PANIC!!!) then the message of the Healey campaign will assume an importance and impact far beyond it’s inherent scope. (For example, consider the lesson of the Bush/Cheney2004 campaign: staged events were ‘cleansed’ of any and all dissenting voices. Do you think this was done to protect Bush and/or Cheney?? No. It was done to reinforce the solidarity of the crowd… no dissenting voices reinforces the listeners and soothes whatever inner disquiet they might have felt. Nota Bene: I’m not advocating the stifling of dissent; I am advocating the deliberate stifling of panic. )
A shrug and a simple ‘So what?’ in answer to the allegations affects a far more impactful persuasion than any number of ‘attacks’.
Yes, Dilbert, it is just that simple! Politics is not blood sport; that’s only how the cretins play it. My game is called ‘hope’ and it’s far far from a sport.
Two words. Senior citizens.
They vote out of obligation, but they don’t follow the issues closely. And I’d say that the percentage of them that are biased against Blacks is higher than in younger folks.
I was on a jury last year. There was a little old lady, probably in her 70’s. They asked her the standard question, “the defendent in this case is African-American. Do you think that African-Americans are more likely to commit crimes”.
She looked the judge in the eyes and said “Yes, I think they are”.
She could have been my sweet old grandmother. I’m sure she was someone’s grandmother.
Kerry Healey’s commercial is designed to scare the shit out of people like that woman.
And stop showing a 5th grade mentality.
It’s a little late for me to do the research, but there is a bunch of data that supports the contention that a significant (usually more than the winning margin of an election) amount of voters make up their minds about who to vote during the last week of the election.
I respect and share you disillusionment with regards to my cynical protrayal of our current electoral process. But the tactics that you deplore have a long track record of working.
You and I both want Deval to be our need Governor. And I will concede the moral high ground to you and your politics of hope. But even Deval has been jabbing his opponents and hitting their records–and as the campaign peaks, you’ll be seeing a lot less hope and a lot more elbows from him.
Lastly, for someone with so much idealism–you certainly have a lot of negative venom in you. Why don’t you practice what you preach–or just back off? (ex: “naive, 5th grade logic”)
I don’t understand your issue with this: are you for or against ‘making up their minds about how to vote during the last week of the election.’? And why should it matter? Unless you’re think that they both begin and end the process of deciding in that final week? Are you saying it’s a coin toss? I don’t want to argue a strawman if that’s not what you are saying, but I will point out that there are several categories of decision from ‘completely clueless’ to ‘leans one way with open mind’ to ‘default waiting to be dissuaded’ to ‘waiting for last minute bolt of lightning to motivate me…’
To simply state that people ‘make up their mind in the last week’ seems to imply some sort of blank slate that gets written in that last week. Myself, going into the primary I said, to all who would listen, “I like Deval Patrick but I could live with Reilly as the candidate. I wouldn’t vote for Gabrieli if you held a gun to my head.” So, in that respect I made a decision (not to vote for Gabrieli) early on, but not a decision (between Patrick and Reilly) on who to vote for but with a strong leaning towards Patrick. Going into the general election I’d have to have a massive brain tumor force a deep and twisted change to my personality in order for me to vote for Kerry Healey. If it’s looking like a cakewalk for Patrick I might consider a vote for Ross as a reward for being the rare, emminently sane third party candidate.
I disagree. My entire point is that a wrong response to those tactics (like, say, panic…) is far more impactful than the tactics themselves.
I think you’re confusing hope with mercy. Hope itself can be applied in a forceful and impactful way. Indeed, there is very little else in the world that is as forceful and as impactful. The sole exception, in the short term, is fear, but that always leaves a bad hangover and usually only breed s more fear.
Perhaps so, but A) I don’t think it inaccurate and 2) it did get your attention, now didn’t it?
that we’re being watched…? (cue creepy music)
I welcome the pep talk from Keller and can now go to bed and rest easy. I trust that Patrick’s smart enough to have gotten it all out today. Assuming that’s the case, the LaGuer story will disappear in a day or two. This is one of those things that needs to be fed with fresh news — when there’s nothing more to say about it, it will dry up.
The medication was WORKING! Working I tell you…
Just when I was making my first tentative steps into a Dunkin Donuts again… hoping I could get through my order without collapsing in a puddle of unmanly tears Kellers gotta go and bring up the demise of the glazed cruller!
It’s all your fault Kerry Healey!!! I loved those crullers… sob… You’re probably a Starbucks drinker! From the bakeries heart I stab at thee… with my last crumbs I spit at thee…”
Now where’s that shrinks number again…
and all of those glazers out of work!!! Thanks Muffy
I moved here from CA in ’97 just because of the glazed crullers. I still miss ’em. sob
Okay, and the smaller population and the more affordable (at the time!) housing market.
Plus the hubby’s from here.
Forget the cruller, bring back the Dunkin Donut!
I keep burning my fingers on the new model…
…the ’77 Sox finished in third place; you have to be thinking of the 1978 fiasco that culminated with the “Bucky Bleeping Dent” playoff game.
However, there’s still time for damage control. Before Healy gets an ad on TV attacking you for not knowing this, you could call a press conference and apologize immediately. Explain you had a lot on your plate that year, and can’t be expected to recall the details. We’ll back you up.
But seriously, I have mixed feelings: I wanted this campaign to both be unconventionally above the fray and succeed, and thereby be a model for Democrats everywhere (especially at the national level). On the other hand, you are absolutely right to point to the Swift Boat Veterans/Willie Horton examples as how not to react by not reacting. Thanks for keeping our eyes on the prize — defeating the Evil Empire (and this time I don’t mean the Yankees).
Deval is being “Willie Hortoned” and “swiftboated” simultaneously. Memories of the Kerry campaign doing nothing are fresh in my mind. Deval’s strategy is not working right now. He needs new, tougher ads that don’t put you to sleep. And his ads all sound alike. I’m listening to my neighbors and co-workers and the KH ads are making an impression – many second thoughts out there. Deval is coming across as too laid back. If he can’t stand up to KH, how will he ever get anything done on Beacon Hill. To the Deval staff – “PLEASE DO SOMETHING- NOW!!!!!!!!!!!”