Check out the new map=driven interface at They now have attractive new color-coded maps that help you to drill down to the polling graphs for Senate, House, and Governor races.
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
Thanks, pablo, for the link.
Thanks for the steer.
It seems to designate each race as solid Dem, leaning Dem, etc. based on the 5 most recent polls. That works fine for some races like MA-Gov, where there’s been lots of polling. But it’s really skewed for races like NH-02, where some of the Hodes/Bass polling goes back to July. Be sure you drill down before you take what they’re saying at face value.
The site is best for races with frequent polling. It’s really great for contested senate and governor’s races. You’re absolutely right that the map doesn’t reflect some trends in house races, however the drilldown seems to be the best source on the web that aggregates the data.
It’s really fun to get a flavor for the races though.
In general I’d caution people about NH-02 polling, which is just all over the place and plagued by problematic methodology. Probably the best gauge of the state of the race is the NRCC throwing $366k into an ad buy attacking Hodes, and the DCCC apparently answering (they still haven’t filed, but it’s been reported in local media). In other words, the NRCC thinks Bass is in trouble and the DCCC thinks Hodes can be pushed over the top.
(And if you’re interested in helping push Hodes into Congress, the campaign could always use volunteers. Contact Patrick at 603 223 2006 or It seems like they’ll especially be wanting people in Nashua, though Keene is also a place Western Mass people can go. There’ll be canvassing and phonebanking running constantly through election day.)