If anyone thought the nasty Republicans were going to give us this office then you must be on another planet. There are things in this game that make one wonder why anyone in their right mind would want to get involved in public service. But saying this ,we have a fight on are hands and we need to bond together and fight back!
It’s important to not forget how we got to this position in the first place. It was by bringing the message to the voters, going out in the field for 18 months and letting the Patrick and Murray message resonate, and yes it did work.
We can not allow these issues to stop us from working, this administration has a lot of explaining to do and we must educate people on how bad they are. One easy question to ask people is if they really think they are better off today after having this administration for the last 3 1/3 yrs ? With over 950 millions dollars in fees and rising property taxes we can not allow them to scare people into forgetting how inept they are.
Yes, we are in a fight and yes the poll numbers will change, they were going to anyway, by the sheer fact Healey has 15 million to spend will make them move. We can offset this by doing what we do best ,and that is fighting back, and it begins with Deval showing them that he is not soft on crime and even getting mad. Show the taxpayer,soccer mom, and veteran that he will be understanding but will never jeopardize the public’s safety. I have the utmost respect for the man, but think the average person is waiting for him to show them that he can fight back with some real authority ! IF anyone should be mad as hell it is Deval and he needs to show some real emotion, I think it will be very helpful!