There’s a new political ad being put out by Mitt Romney’s Republican Governors Association that’s supposed to help Kerry Healey. WCVB notes:
Romney’s ad, which was paid for by the Republican Governors Association, is the first time the governor has officially weighed in on the gubernatorial race. It features Romney more prominently than Healey listing their accomplishments over four years.
You got to love it. Mitt’s puts out an ad telling everyone how great he is and shows faithful Muffy by his side. Healey must be fuming, Romney has always kept her at an arms length when signing bills and press conferences. As the AP puts it, via Fox12 Providence.
Shows him crafting balanced budgets, producing billion-dollar surpluses, and signing the state’s landmark health care bill into law.
Republican candidate for governor Kerry Healey is at his side in every shot.
I don’t think that Kerry Healey standing by his side is going to show her as a leader. Romney could have let Healey sign a few bills and get a little spot light instead of running back to Massachusetts each time. The only time you saw Mitt out there is when Deval Patrick discussed Romney’s tax and fee increases, he was out the next morning. It’s an odd relationship, he has never really helped her campaign. CBS6 in Albany wondered who the ad is designed to help.
The ad is raising questions about who the ad is designed to help more Healey, or Romney, who is weighing a run for president.
That pretty much sums it up.
I love the way that Romeny pats himself on the back for four years of balanced budgets — without ever mentioning that the budget MUST be balanced as a matter of state law. Or without mentioning that he inherited any budgetary issues from 12 years of PRIOR GOP administrations. Or without mentioning Tom Finneran’s years of arm-twisting to be sure we had an adequate rainy-day fund.
You think the ad might have been, um, edited for the Nashua-area market?
The ad states that four years ago we had our worst deficit since WWII. MA said no to one party rule and yes to change. Funny, didn’t Romney take over from another Republican Governor?