In a national article today, highlighted with a top banner front-page plug, the Wall Street Journal news staff (paid subscription required) says Patrick has tied Healey to Willard, and His Expediency is dragging his little buddy to electoral oblivion.
“Last week the Patrick campaign released a list of insults it says Mr. Romney has hurled at the state while traveling. Among them was his statement to a South Carolina group in late 2005 that being a conservative governor in Massachusetts ‘is a bit like being a cattle rancher at a vegetarian convention.’ … Mr. Patrick has stopped using Ms. Healey’s full name at many campaign events, favoring instead ‘the Romney-Healey administration,'” the Journal reported.
Healey, the newspaper said, is playing right into Patrick’s hands: “In a recent debate at Faneuil Hall, Ms. Healey was challenged to rebuke Mr. Romney for the supposed insults he has directed toward the state. She declined to do so, to boos from the audience.”
“For Mr. Romney, a one-term governor with no prior political experience, Ms. Healey’s fortunes may speak volumes about his ability to leave a legacy or rally a political base,” the newspaper wrote.
“Mr. Patrick, a political newcomer, appears to have the race well in hand,” the Journal said.
The piece concluded with a few paragraphs about Healey’s attempted LaGuer smear and a reasonably complete discussion about the context of the matter and Patrick’s responses.
The Healey campaign’s use of skinheads to stake out the suburban home of Patrick’s campaign manager and shout epithets at his 12 year old son as he was getting ready for school was not mentioned.
Non-subscribers can view the Wall Street Journal article here.
Stay reality based there…
Real enough, do you think? At least I didn’t mention their fumbling effort to distance themselves from the botched gambit, and their final admission that the guys were, in fact, from the campaign.
Can we stop calling these morons skinheads already?
Yes, a lot of the “Inmates for Deval” shave their heads for the part but I’m almost 100% sure that few of them are true “skinheads” in the popular sense of the term (racist young members of a gang/cult that louydly profess white-supremacist and anti-immigrant views). I’d bet dollars to donuts most of these “inmates” are simply bored, rude, and insensitive kids looking to shock, get themselves in the press, and/or relieve some boredom.
These idiots (and the Healey campaign, if they knew anything about it in advance) deserve condemnation for thinking it’s funny to pretend to be prisoners for a night and for taking things too far by going to the personal homes of Deval and Walsh. But “skinheads”? It seems a bit much to me.
…after election day, the rhetoric can cool down.
From today’s Herald:
“Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey admitted yesterday her campaign bought the orange prison jumpsuits and Inmates for Deval Patrick signs used by her supporters last week, and said her workers crossed the line when they demonstrated outside the homes of Patrick and his campaign manager on Friday. They were my volunteers, and when I found out they had gone to Deval Patricks home and the home of his campaign manager, I let it be known that that is not what I want to have happen in the future, Healey told the Herald.”
Note the use of the word “future” 🙂
Also from the same article:
“Tim OBrien, Healeys campaign manager, defended the use of the jumpsuits and signs by campaign workers and said they likely will appear again.”
They tend to pull stunts like this.
Calling them skinheads is intentionally misleading. And I think using and repeating the term and then saying we can cool the rhetoric after the election is hypocritical. One can’t claim her garage ad is race baiting or fear mongering and then talk about her “skinheads” without being guilty of the same crimes.
I have a friend who is a skinhead, and he is wicked p***** off that you guys keep referring to these guys as skinheads. He says no self respecting skinhead would ever attempt to pull off a lame stunt like that. And going to people’s homes is just not cool. He said anyone who is still supporting Healey has obviously got his (or her) head up their arse, and he hopes no one believes they were really skinheads. “I’ve got some pride, you know”.
I wish the naming contest had gone on one more day, until Romney decided to help Healey bluff. “Single Digit Mitt” would have worked on a few levels.
p> – Dan
“For Mr. Romney, a one-term governor with no prior political experience, Ms. Healey’s fortunes may speak volumes about his ability to leave a legacy or rally a political base,” the newspaper wrote.
This is the quote which sums it up for me. This administration fits the stereotype of a mergers and acquisitions specialist. After the purchase he rearranged things enough to take credit for a big turnaround. Now Romney is out selling it on the road looking for a bigger prize. Never sticking with things long enough to have an impact, always looking for the next acquisition. His party building effort was short and produced little. How many hand picked candidates are back in this round of elections? He left Healey with nothing to run on but old marketing slides that have nothing of substance behind them. If you step back it this does not look like a campaign being run by a woman. Healey feels like it is giving someone elses presentation.
Yup, it has that flavor, right out of the Lee Atwater/Karl Rove training camp. Speaking of Rove, the new book on him, The Architect, is excellent. Same authors as Bush’s Brain.
But I digress. My question re: the post above, did they shout epithets at the 12 year old? I had not seen it in print before, though I would not be surprised.
If the campaign paid for the suits, and now we know they did, I’m sure they knew exactly where the young creeps were going. Probably there are a few names in police reports on file in Milton and Abbington if someone is feeling intrepid and wants to learn more about them. (Wish I had time, that would be fun . . . )
And the fact that we have Healey burning her prime time on apologies, oh that is delicious indeed.