I got a recorded message minutes ago from John Kerry, he is asking to vote Yes on Question 3, for what it’s worth. The message was paid for by Yes On 3 For Kids.
By the time voters get to it, many won’t understand it and will simply vote ‘no’.
Yeah I got the JK robocall just after putting my kids to sleep, praying the ringing phone wouldn’t undo my prior work, only to find it to be his Robocall – I will vote no on 3 as a protest.
you’re going to vote against allowing family care workers to organize just because of a stupid robocall? That’s pretty petty.
Does anybody on this progressive website have issues with collective bargaining?
why is there even a debate on Q3? it seems like a no-brainer: of course family care workers should be allowed to collectively bargain, all workers should.
2 is a very debatable topic. #1 has some arguments against, but IMO an easy yes. #3 just seems an obvious yes!
Why wouldn’t child care workers have the right to organize? I don’t get it. Can anyone here make an argument for the change? I’m assuming question #3 is a proposal for change of some kind.
I inquired about their endoresments listing, JK is not listed under their endorsements page. I noted the robocall and asked if they could provide some additional informationon JK’s support. As of this morning they updated the listing with the following:
Congressman William Delahunt
Congressman Barney Frank
Congressman Michael Capuano
Senator Ted Kennedy
Senator John Kerry
Congressman Stephen Lynch
Congressman Edward Markey
Congressman Martin Meehan
They only had Jim McGovern and a few others listed yesterday.
Saaayyyy…did SEIU support him in 2004? Naaahhhh….
By the time voters get to it, many won’t understand it and will simply vote ‘no’.
Yeah I got the JK robocall just after putting my kids to sleep, praying the ringing phone wouldn’t undo my prior work, only to find it to be his Robocall – I will vote no on 3 as a protest.
you’re going to vote against allowing family care workers to organize just because of a stupid robocall? That’s pretty petty.
Does anybody on this progressive website have issues with collective bargaining?
why is there even a debate on Q3? it seems like a no-brainer: of course family care workers should be allowed to collectively bargain, all workers should.
2 is a very debatable topic. #1 has some arguments against, but IMO an easy yes. #3 just seems an obvious yes!
Why wouldn’t child care workers have the right to organize? I don’t get it. Can anyone here make an argument for the change? I’m assuming question #3 is a proposal for change of some kind.
I inquired about their endoresments listing, JK is not listed under their endorsements page. I noted the robocall and asked if they could provide some additional informationon JK’s support. As of this morning they updated the listing with the following:
Congressman William Delahunt
Congressman Barney Frank
Congressman Michael Capuano
Senator Ted Kennedy
Senator John Kerry
Congressman Stephen Lynch
Congressman Edward Markey
Congressman Martin Meehan
They only had Jim McGovern and a few others listed yesterday.