So John Lame Speaker Kerry (the one who gave us the classic “I voted for it before I voted against it” excuse) makes an attempt to joke about Bush and totally screws it up so that it comes out sounding like a bad statement about the troops. So GOP attack dogs are all over him. Nothing new here.
However, instead of apologizing, he comes back slamming at the Republican attack machine (here’s text, but better watch the video). I could not believe watching it. The sleepy-eyed John Kerry of 2004 that just stood back with “I can’t believe they are doing it” expression on his faith while Swift Boat Veterans for Lies were destroying his campaign is gone. Apparently, someone in the Democratic party replaced the outdated cyborg with a new model. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Kerrynator – a lean, mean fighting machine!
“If anyone owes our troops in the fields an apology, it is the President and his failed team”
“They have a stand-still-and-lose policy in Iraq and they have a cut-and-run policy in Afghanistan”
And the one that I seriously consider making my tagline: “I’m sick and tired of a bunch of despicable Republicans”
For the first time, the man really made me like him – and I supported him in 2004