So the question is, “how do we get him to run?” And no Lori, I don’t think we can just wish him in, although I’m big on using visualization for the realization of goals, but maybe we can draft him in! Hmmmmmmmmmm! What would a successful Draft Al Gore Movement look like?
As many of you frequent readers of this blog know, a group of us who live in the People’s Republic have been holding Draft Gore Meetups since June. We’ve had five now.
I’ve heard that Gore enthusiasts in San Francisco have held about as many as we have.
Others have recently (last month) or are soon to begin around the country having Draft Gore Meetups as well. Now we have petitions and bumper stickers as do some of the other draft Gore core!
But we are now taking our local effort to the next step. We recently realized (how could we have missed this, but after all we were busy electing Deval) that Elaine Kamarck, who was Gore’s senior policy adviser while he was Vice President and a long-time friend, is teaching at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. So a few of us made a pilgrimage to her office to pick her brain. As a result she has graciously agreed to be the special guest at our next Meetup on December 12 (see Events Calender for details) to speak on “How to Draft Al Gore to Run in 2008!” This is an event not to be missed! Hope to see you there!
Yup. I agree. Provided his campaign behavior is as it is in “An Inconvenient Truth” – confident, not condesending. Smart not afraid to show those smarts. Passionate. On the moral high-ground etc…
Yeah and Kerry as VP. Talk about yesterday’s news. Tired old re-treads. Someone please explain how either one could muster 51%. I know, I know that’s political reality which is scarce. Holding Draft Gore Meetings??? Wow. How about Jimmy Carter?
Here’s a pant wetter…..Dean and Kucinich! And as much as some would love a ticket like that, don’t you understand that America would never accept such a thing. Just like I grudgingly accept America would never accept a Cheney/Rumsfeld ticket. I know scares you doesn’t it.
Dems won’t see the White House in 08. Take it to the bank.
I know you’re just trolling for a response, so I’ll help out.
George W. Bush 50,460,110 47.9%
Al Gore 51,003,926 48.4%
I would love to see a Cheney/Rumsfeld ticket. I have no idea why you think Democrats would fear a ticket like that. Kucinich is a a fringe politician compared to either of those heavy hittersl
Gore’s not my first choice, but he’s already won the highest plurality of votes once. If you’re counting out the Dems in 08 now, you’re delusional about the current political state of the nation and how poisonous Bush is in states like Ohio, Colorado, and other previous Republican-leaning swing states. I’m not going to call the election for the Dems now, but it’s a tie ballgame at worst right now. If we end up running someone with swing-state appeal like Mark Warner, Brian Schweitzer, Kathleen Sibelius, or Janet Napolitano on the ticket, our chances are even better.
And their name ID and ability to mount a national campaign exists somewhere just below a curbstone. Your simply conmirming that an R will win.
Much of 08 for the dems will hinge on how the house and senate behave. It has great potential to be a huge albotross for any dem running for prez. And hopefully the R nominee will use it to their benefits.
I’m fond of saying that Americans mistake two things for sports which aren’t sports: driving and war. I suppose politics, too.
The Bush Administration and its Republican Party have turned Iraq into a failed state and have let the Arab-Israeli thing get worse, not better. Afghanistan is at risk for another rise of the Taliban. The glaciers on Greenland are melting and if they sink into the water, they will raise the sea level 20 feet. The ice pack in Antarctica, which if it drops into the ocean as it threatens, will raise the sea level another 20 feet. Our debt to China increases by the day. The housing bubble that has kept many of us solvent is deflating.
All of this is happening under a very smug, very bullying Republican Administration.
Let me predict something for you: Eventually, the Republican failures will be so bad that the GOP will disband and no one will want to admit he or she was ever a Republican. It may not happen in 2008, but it has already begun. These failures are real and the reality eventually overtakes whatever political gamesmanship Rovian delusionists think they can play. You know this in the back of your mind.
Take it to the bank.
Well darn, you should be Secretary of State. Glaciers, Greenland, sea level, rovian…..? What’s that term Howie uses?
Let me predict something for you. The smart R running for prez will distance himself from the war BUT not the security of our country which liberals fail to grasp.
A republican will be prez in 08. Hillary, Obahma please. Gee didn’t see the top 20 politicians article posted here thats been everywhere else. That’s because none of the D crowd came out on top. No Obahma doesn’t count. He’s a Howard Dean in that if he runs he’ll gain momentum then crash same as Dean. Difference is, Obahma is a 1000 times smarter than Dean.
The smart Republican (in your hope, Giuliani) will become president, and the rathre beatable John Kerry will lose to one of the eight remaining Republicans in Massachusetts in 2008.
Who else, gop08? Is a Republican going to win the chairmanship of the DNC as well? I’m fine with some cheerleading from time to time, but you gotta put down the memo from HQ and think about this stuff once in a while…
Instead of me thinking you need to look at the facts over the past 26 years. Its those memo’s from HQ that has and will keep you on the fringe even in this state.
This is a liberal blog.
Here, only masochists and anthropologists read this Howie Carr person you mention. I’m neither. I stay away from that ward.
I do like the idea of Gore. He doesn’t have as much baggage and tongue slippage issues as other candidates (kerry), he isn’t universally vilified by a significant number of Americans (Hillary) and the GOP really can’t throw the inexperience card at him (Obama, Edwards). Since his loss in 2000, he has become much more passionate about certain issues that do resonate with a significant portion of Americans (Environment, Iraq). He really isn’t fringe the way someone like kucinich is, much as the other side might try to set him up that way. The fact is, I really think he could pull off the “experienced grown-up leadership coming in to clean up the mess” mentality that the voters will want in 2008. This is really McCain’s biggest strength (that and the media ass-kissing), and Gore could really do a lot to neutralize that.
Exactly. Now add Obama or Edwards to the ticket and you have gravitas and charisma. Gore/Obama might even take the South if we get the machines fixed.