Funny, I thought this was going away.
It was the lead story on NECN this morning. Apparently, the AP had dug some remarks Kerry had made in in 1972 campaign for congress, that are somewhat similar to what he made the other day. I’m not sure what that means.
Oh, and then there’s the obligatory sticking a microphone of family members of soldiers in Iraq and asking them how they feel about Kerry thinking the troops are stupid.
oh, and then all the Democrats making sure they’re on the record as disapproving Kerry’s remarks. (If I were Kerry, I wouldn’t give a dime of support to Hillary, not that she needs or wants his support).
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And the Media take their cue from Republicans.
No point in apologizing, especially when the President won’t apologize for joking about the WMDs not being in Iraq.
And the Washington Press Corps won’t apologize for laughing at his joke.
Hillary should have told the cameras that George Bush needs to apologize for getting us stuck in Iraq.
We’ve seen the Media push B.S. stories about Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Howard Dean, and John Kerry. Why would any Democratic voter trust a negative story the media runs about a Democrat?
Crooks and Liars has the video.
This John Kerry brouhaha is a bunch of a crap. Anybody who thought a quick apology would end it was wrong. Apologizing would just be pretending Bush’s spin is true.
The only thing to do was use the publicity to remind the country, “Why would any reasonable person believe what Bush says?”