So the state is letting the red sox build a giant parking lot over the mass turnpike. Another place for them to squeeze out more money to make the huge nut they carry and pay rediculous salaries so they can ‘compete with the Yankees”. Whatever the hell that means.
These Hollywood gimmee guys now own and control a neighborhood that serves one of the largest employers in the state with good paying jobs, brings in millions of motivated visitors a year, and has serious serious parking and traffic problems. The Longwood Medical Center.
But the Red Sox trump this internationally renown and important local service provider.
The state should be building the parking lot and ramps onanff the turnpike from it. A real plan for the entire neighborhood and produces annual $$$$. A public affordable garage for patients in longwood, and yeah for 81 Sox games a year. Bonus $$$.
Why do we keep giving the store away to these guys?
I just don’t get it.
with john rosenthal involved, you’ll have a choice – pay $35 for parking or turn in a gun! free-market gun buybacks.
I agree that we have been bending over backwards to cater to these multimillionaires, but the article you linked notes that the Turnpike is selling the air rights to this parcel, not exactly “letting” the Red Sox build there.
And the notion that somehow we should build a state garage that also serves the Longwood Medical Area is just not realistic. The hospitals are a good mile from this particular state parcel.
with much to learn. What do you think? That this is on the level like the Reading Democratic Town Committee.
The BRA (that ‘s the Boston Redevelopement Authority – controoled by the mayor) is ready to approve the sox plan and only the sox plan. So as for potential buyers the Sox are the only game in town. Why would other developers bid if they no their plan will not be approved by the city?
As for the location serving as a garage for the hospital, why yes it is the perfect spot for employee parking with shuttle service right down Brookine Ave. (Not nearly a mile by the way) Plus exit ramps on and off to the pike will make it easier for patients and family and ball game goers to get on and off w/o congesting the streets. Perhaps a cut and cover tunnel built under cheaply under Brookline Ave staright to Longwood woud be nice.
But there are 2 things wrong with my idea.
1. It takes a little imagination and
2. It doesn’t give the red sox a wind fall and control.
Stick to running Reading, Tommy Boy (Bill Russell sends his best).
But we in the real world have to look realistically at how things are run in this town think two steps ahead of the powers that be.
It must be great having no real problems. Like the wealthy Town of Reading.
“Ernie”, since you have graced BMG with countless posts over the last ten months, I would have expected your reading comprehension skills to be better, but alas, once again, you have let me down.
Since we are in a condescending, educational mood let me clarify that NORTH Reading is different than Reading, thus the “North” part. You see, Reading is to the south.
And since the per capita income of NORTH Reading is $12,000 LESS than the state average I was not aware that we were such a wealthy town. My wife doesn’t tell me these things. Boy, those rich folks in the 94 cities and towns ranked ahead of North Reading must live such grand lives.
Having spent six weeks at Children’s Hospital with my ailing infant daughter I have become far more familiar with the Longwood Medical Area than I would wish upon anyone and I can tell you, with no measure of uncertainty, that the distance from the proposed parking garage to the heart of the Longwood Medical Area is exactly 1 mile and adding ramps and any number of additional vehicles to the area is probably not the best long-term solution.
If you’re actually serious about building a tunnel from the Mass Pike under Brookline Ave, well, there’s not much I can say to that other than you are more of a knucklehead than I had previously thought and, trust me, I wasn’t giving you a lot of credit in the first place.
Good luck with that tunnel and, in the meantime, keep on flexing those message board muscles… “Ernie.”
nobody cares that you are in north reading and not reading. Particularly me. THERE THE SAME PLACE TO US IN THE REAL WORLD.
As for your personal problems, keep them to yourself. Sure you get sympathy but doesn’t add any credibility to your story. what? because of the family ilness you became an expert on the traffic patterns around Longwood.Take a walk from the corner of Lansdown st. and brookline ave (where the parcel is) to Brigham and Women’s Hospital. About a mile. But regardless, close enough for a huge sattelite parking garage which will allow greater growth.
I cited one problem in doing it. Imagination needed. Where’s yours?
i seem to have touched a nerve mr.NORTH reading big shot.
p.S. Only a schmuck loser would know off-hand the median income of his town and where it places on the list with other towns. WORSE IF U RESEARCHED IT TO COUNTER ME.
But thanks for your response. You tugged at our heart strings with your personal story.
And you did what i expected you to. Cry out ‘North Reading is Not READING!’
Just like I knew you would.
PS Thanks for reading me the last ten months. You must like something if you keep reading.
…I know you do.
Isn’t it past your bed time?
I think this is the point where one of us is supposed to use the “I’m rubber and you’re glue” defense right? Mother jokes? My father can beat up your father?
Ah screw it- I’m going to watch Monday Night Football, live from Seattle’s new taxpayer-subsidized stadium. Have a lovely evening.
Maybe Mitt can throw a few more bucks to Bechtel for some “consulting” services. I think they have a good track record on building tunnels cheaply.
Last week, I suggested that giving the Sox $50 million in capital improvements for their park, and then having them jet away to Japan to pay $51 million for a freaking conversation was a waste of tax money. Well, BMG came after me with the ol’ Louisville Sluggers, and I let it drop.
They probably sensed I was a Pats fan, and really don’t care about baseball.
You keep it up. The GRIP the Sox admin has on the wallet of the city and state is just appalling.
I mentioned the same thing here last week.
PS isn’t Wookie a schmuck?