For those of you who’ve been active in campaigns, you know what it’s like to enter the campaign bubble. Between work, and then a little time for family, and then the rest of the evening working on campaign stuff, you really get to have no idea what else is going on, whether in the world or even in the rest of the campaign. This was especially true before this glorious blog era. But you, the BMG collective, were my periscope out of the bubble, my snorkel, my airhose. Your extremely hard work and vigilance ensured that I always knew how we were doing, what the cool kids were saying, and what the bad guys were up to. You helped me to feel a part of something much bigger and more significant than the smaller questions of, say, whether at least two of the four people who promised to phonebank for Deval showed up last night, or whether I’d be canvassing alone this weekend.
So, in case no-one else had said this, to all of the BMG community — the overlords, the diarists, the commenters and the assorted other contributors — thank you. This campaign was that much more fun and meaningful because of you.
Glad to be of service. Love the name.
:::group hug::: That was really sweet.