As usual, the Phoenix’s Adam Reilly drills quite a bit deeper than the, uh, “non-alternative” media, and does a long-form interview with GRP Secretary of State candidate Jill Stein. Check it out.
UPDATE: I’ll just stick a quote from the candidate herself here, to give you an idea of what she’s about:
… The bottom line is, I’m very focused on money and influence peddling as an overarching issue, and I’m very concerned about voting rights as one aspect of our democracy, which is in crisis. But it’s not my lead issue. My lead issue is that our democracy is in crisis, and there are many aspects to that. Money and influence is a big one. That’s really where my focus is.
Q. So how would you as secretary of state try to address that big issue?
A. Well, the secretary can play a very important role, because the secretary oversees the critical institutions of democracy–both the institutions that support it and the institutions that threaten it, the support being elections and public information, and the threats being the funding of those elections and lobbying and the behavior of corporations. So the secretary has enormous latitude to move those issues.
I should say that I think her take on the health care bill is really overly negative. It is flawed as all hell, and yet real people have already been helped, more are going to be helped, and some of the negative impacts that she regards as a fait accompli have not been implemented yet, and will likely never be. FWIW. Health Care for All’s John McDonough has much more.
I’m voting for her. Just wish everyone would.
Twice now, I’ve heard former President Jimmy Carter say that the American voting system wouldn’t pass the smell test of the Carter Center.
Here’s what Pres. Carter said on NPR yesterday:
Nice democracy you’re spreading there, Shrub.