Hat tip to David Bernstein who alerts us to the Hartford Courant’s report that one of last Tuesday’s closest races has been officially resolved: Democratic challenger Joe Courtney has beaten incumbent Rep. Rob Simmons (R-CT) — by 91 votes out of about 250,000 cast. Simmons could challenge the result, but indications so far appear to be that he won’t.
That leaves exactly one Republican House member in all of New England: Chris Shays, who held on to his Connecticut seat despite the Democratic tidal wave.
And the news just keeps getting better!
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Great news, and this is a seat that will be a bit easier for us to hold in ’08 than a couple of the “lucky” ones down South (Delay’s seat and Foley’s seat).
I’m very surprised that Shays is still left standing. Out of the three CT Reps., I believe he represents to most Dem-leaning district, and was generally considered the most vulnerable of the remaining New England Republican House members.
I know that some were (understandably) angered over Shays’ campaign comments about Abu Ghraib, but Shays is probably the most liberal Republican in the House, or close to it anyway. Unless he has some sort of special family connection with the Republicans (like Chafee did), I have to think that he could be in play for a party switch. It makes political sense for him — after all, he probably would guarantee himself the seat for as long as he wanted it if he became a Democrat or at least a Democrat-caucusing Independent like Jeffords did. Plus, he would be in the majority again.
I don’t understand why Shays won either. There have been some suggestions on the Internets from Ned Lamont folks that there were flaws in Farrell’s campaign. A grain or two of salt might be necessary there, though.
As for CT-04, Sam Gejdenson, who had held the seat for twenty years, lost it in 2000 to Simmons. Asking around, I get the sense that Gejdenson “lost touch” with the district. This was Courtney’s second race against him.
Simmons’ resume is impressive. That’s probably one factor in why it was so difficult to dislodge him in a district that is so Democratic.
I grew up there. There’s a lot of folks who pay quite a bit in income taxes and property taxes. They tend to be fairly liberal socially, but are very skeptical of Democratic spending. I think they also pride themselves on some sense of independence. Demographically, it’s quite a bit like parts of Long Island.
So long as Shays doesn’t allow himself to be tied to Bush or to big oil/pharma, he’ll always be tough to knock out. Will he switch parties? Maybe, but I’m not so sure it’d help ensure a longer career.
I noticed generally that the adds running (unsuccessfully!) against Chris Murphy and Joe Courtney emphasized taxes a lot. I read that that’s what mod Republican, white Protestants (as a voting group) focus on.
I spent 4 days working on the Courtney get out the vote effort election day and before. I worked in Enfield which Courtney lost against Simmons in 2002 and won in 2006. It was close enough that every individual who worked on this race made a big difference — one whole House seat. Very gratifying.
With Courtney’s victory, only one Republican Congressman remains from New England, Christopher Shays who represents CT-04.
You and the others who worked specifically on GOTV probably decided the race.