Today’s constitutional convention starts at 1 pm. Assuming that channel 44 is covering it live (as they usually do), I’ll post periodic updates as events warrant. Here’s the calendar for the session.
If you haven’t called your Rep and Senator yet, now’s the time to be sure they know what you want them to do.
Please share widely!
pers-1765 says
andrew-s says
That just lists one side. Useful would be a list of all senators and reps and how they voted. More useful would be a count of Yes and No votes.
kathy says
I wish he would cease and desist. You’re completely correct that it’s one-sided.
pers-1765 says
kristen says
it on the wgbh schedule. not that i live in boston or anything đŸ™‚
david says
nothing happening yet, but it’s on.
kristen says
it’s not streaming anywhere is it?
cephme says
if anyone has one let us know.
andrew-s says
In fact, it’s on twice, oddly enough: there are two proposals for amending Article XLV of the Massachusetts Constitution.
The first proposal, #6, appears to give the legislature the power to authorize no-reason absentee balloting, but no guarantee of it.
The second proposal, #15, currently is similar to #6, but the agenda says that Rep. Kaufman of Lexington will move to amend it so it changes Article XLV to read as follows: “No registered voter of the Commonwealth shall be denied the right to vote by absentee ballot, either in the choice of any officer to be elected or upon any question submitted at an election.”
Looks to me like the second proposal makes no-reason absentee balloting the rule in Massachusetts if it passes. Has anyone gotten in touch with their representatives about this one? I sure would have expressed my support to mine if I’d known before now…