Who in Arkansas would want to read a Haiku about Deval Patrick? (Bill Clinton lives in NY now.)
Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 65.203.10.#
ISP UUNET Technologies
State : Arkansas
City : Harrison
In addition, why is the Air Force checking us out?
Domain Name af.mil ? (Military)
IP Address 131.62.10.# (Norton Air Force Base)
ISP Norton Air Force Base
State : Maryland
City : Andrews Air Force Base
Of course, we get the usual opposition research…
Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 68.236.71.# (Massachusetts Republican State Committee)
ISP Verizon Internet Services
State : Massachusetts
City : Boston
Perhaps some other research as well:
Domain Name state.ma.us ? (United States)
IP Address 146.243.4.# (Commonwealth of Massachusetts)
ISP Commonwealth of Massachusetts
State : Massachusetts
City : Chelsea
And some of the usual ‘spiders’ that crawl over the web to fill up their servers with silly pages:
Domain Name archive.org ? (Organization)
IP Address 207.241.232.# (Internet Archive)
ISP Internet Archive
State : California
City : San Francisco
But this latest one has me perplexed (and a little nervous):
Domain Name (Unknown)
IP Address 71.174.70.# (Unknown Organization)
ISP Unknown ISP
Continent : Unknown
Country : Unknown Country
Lat/Long : unknown
Language unknown
Operating System Microsoft WinXP
Browser Internet Explorer 6.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Javascript disabled
Time of Visit Nov 1 2006 8:32:30 pm
Referring URL unknown
Time Zone unknown
Visitor’s Time Unknown
Visit Number 521
Who are these guys in the black hats?
Deval challenges
Politics as usual
Everyone gets scared.
p> – Dan
Black Helicopters
Circle over Charlestown
DeMasi is pissed