If this is true, one of the most notorius DINOs in Massachusetts is using his kids for campaign reconnaisance. From today’s Lowell Sun column:
WHY WOULD a Methuen state senator take his kids trick-or-treating in Lowell’s Highlands?
Because it’s fertile ground in a potential race for Congress.
The senator in question is Steve Baddour, of Methuen, a former aide to U.S. Rep. Marty Meehan.
If Meehan runs for Senate in 2008, when Sen. John Kerry is next up for re-election, Baddour is viewed as solid replacement, hailing from the middle of the 5th District.
One can never prepare too early for these things. Particularly if Kerry puts his foot in his mouth again.
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no doubt Baddour is peddling this crap. I’ve got to see Baddour up close this year on the campaign trail is he is exactly what is wrong with the system.
I always get confused about the campaign finance law–but I’m under the impression he can not use his huge campaing chest for congress?
But I’m pretty sure most of Baddour’s district is outside of the fightin’ 5th.
If Meehan does take a shot at Kerry’s seat, I would hope that there are better candidates out there. I know that a candidate of Paul Tsongas’s calibur may be too much to hope for, but it would be nice to have someone who has the same energy and vision.