The usual poetic drabble…
To open up, first things first Ill risk the last-second jinx,
By saying that “Governor Deval” will be better than any of the finks
Who hobbled and slandered my state, before running off with nary a care
To chase after what they hope is a better job on offer out there.
But the glory doesnt end there, this year of the Great Blue Wave,
Where we drive those GOP water-carriers back into their cave…
And though gloating is wrong, or at least its unkind or uncouth,
The entire GOP caucus will soon be able to meet in a State House phone booth.
On the national scene, therell be trepidation tomorrow right up until,
Im positive the Dems will be sent to restore sanity on Capitol Hill.
Itd be great to have two Montana Democrats in the new Senate caucus,
And that crew-cutted Tester Im sure would work great with old Baucus.
And ol Max deserves a re-election in 08 thats painless and breezy,
Just for making political poets lives just a smidgen more easy.
Sheldon Whitehouse should represent the Ocean State after an election hard-fought.
And Lincoln, you are truly a nice guy, but your Dad, well let’s face it youre not.
Crazy Rick Santorum will be cashiered finally with the returns from Election Day,
(And will leave convinced he was done in by abortionists, atheists, and folks who are gay.)
Sherrod Brown is also an upgrade as the Ohio Republicans go down in gnarly flames,
Done in by graft and corruption, by dealings in old coins, and ill-reputed dames.
And I root for McCaskill, Harold Ford, and Admiral Webb to push us over the sand bar
For the sake of our brave young men and women trapped in al-Anbar.
The House of Representatives will it once again become the “Peoples House”,
To set right again all those things that Delay and Hastert did louse
To refund education, to stand up for the poor, to preserve our civil rights,
Rebuilding our nation to shall we say “Clintonian” heights.
Hey GOP were all sick of you your incompetence and vile,
How you prey on our must vulnerable and spray them with bile,
How you manipulate hatred and lever old ignorance and fear,
How you trample our pride and our rights whenever the polls draw too near.
I condemn any group that would watch New Orleans drown,
And do anything less than indict the disastrous Mike Brown.
Your ignorance has left Iraq awash in American blood and our pain,
And you treat our soldiers as backdrops, their families with disdain.
Your reign is over, and I can’t wait to see you pack!
To see Speaker Pelosi throw out every hack
The American people are through with you, and were on the attack!
Because dammit, this November sixth IM TAKING MY COUNTRY BACK!