Goldstein Gone Wild, long ago, before the primary, in an exchange prompted by my impassioned defense of Deval’s career and the assets it would bring to the general election, you and I bet a sixer on whether or not I was right to claim that, if Deval won the primary, Healey wouldn’t go after his corporate ties. By my accounting, at least, that claim proved true. I’m sure my provincial location makes it too hard to collect the actual beer, and I don’t much care, anyway. After all, there are more important and meaningful things to celebrate this week! But I just wanted to note how “the corporate issue” did–or, rather, did not–play out. (Maybe I do so to compensate for how badly I underestimated Deval’s ultimate margin of victory when entering last month’s BMG win a t-shirt contest…)
GGW, you owe me beer re: Deval’s corporate history
Please share widely!
davemb says
because Lieberman was reelected to the Senate. Would you like me to mail
you a check, or shall I donate $10 to the Democratic organization of your choice?
goldsteingonewild says
2. Dave, hold that dollar “on account” and we’ll live to bet another day. Or buy TH a beer if you’re nearby!
susan-m says
I figured this, and the Taxman thing was the kitchen sink that Deval said was coming.
I think Healey blew all of Sean’s money on the “scary black raping man” meme. Whatever. I’m sure the whole thing will make for a very nice tax write off.
It was money well spent as far as I’m concerned. Healey’s lame negative campaigning toward the end was like watching Wile E. Coyote light the rocket time and time again that crashed her right into the wall.
The only thing left to say is hmmmm… beer. I was so bloody tired at the end of election day I didn’t dare partake.
centralmassdad says
Deval, IMO, had, and has, some serious baggage from his DoJ days. The LaGuer thing was probably the least threatening of all of these. While I voted for him, these things innoculate me from the puppy love afflicting others on this site, and leave me wondering how things will play out.
First there was the teacher in NJ fired on affirmative-action grounds.
Then there is the possibility that DP caused the Civil Rights Division to threaten neighborhood opponents of halfway houses, on the therory that they were making it more difficult for the handicapped (recovering drug addicts) to obtain housing. The specific activity effecting this violation of civil rights? Organizing, meeting, and petitioning govenment.
Even if that accusation proves to be BS, it would have been damaging if it emerged immediately upon the heels of the initial LaGuer attack, before Healy went sideways. One wonders if the healy oppo team found LaGeur, and just stopped working.
joeltpatterson says
The brilliance of Deval’s speech at Boston Common was that any charge could have been met with “If I had her record, I’d change the subject, too!”
Nothing like a strategy that works indepedent of your opponent’s decision–a lesson from game theory.
goldsteingonewild says
comment about the election on this thread unless you mention gambling and/or beer.
michael-forbes-wilcox says
Your inspired work for Deval is one of the key reasons we here in lefternmost blueland can claim to have delivered 75% of our votes to the Patrick-Murray ticket.
My fondest hope is that this campaign will become a national model. A list of complaints is not a vision. Deval Patrick offered a vision. We responded. End of story. Spread the word. Celebrate!
I plan to be more coherent soon — it’s been a wild ride! Sleep deficit everyone? Meanwhile, read it and weep!