This thing has been making the rounds at the State House today. Ouch.
Previously the long time Senator has been best know for his love of developers and old beer cans.
Personally, I think he should be voted out based on facial hair alone.
Please share widely!
That’s pretty despicable. Everything he said was taken completely out of context.
I’m a Democrat, but in this race here I’m casting a VERY rare vote for the incumbent Republican. He’s clearly the lesser of two evils. The Democratic nominee (Steven Lynch – NO, not that Steven Lynch)is eminently unqualified. He doesn’t even have the support of his own party!
Along with being a jerk (I’m from his hometown of Weymouth and he’s treated everyone I know who has met him poorly, especially waitresses and counter-service), Hedlund is supported by (nasty part of) the Republican Liberty Caucus (a group that gives Trent Lott a 92% rating) and is a loyal crony of Grover Norquist. He has a perfect score from Americans for Tax Reform, whose overriding goal is “Advocating for a national, single rate, flat income tax.” He is the only State Senator to have that affiliation in Massachusetts. Yet, he was one of the most stringent opponents of gay marriage until he was convinced to vote for the civil unions (but not marriage) compromise. He’s pro-life, pro-vouchers, belongs to groups that want to implement a flat income tax (which would be incredibly regressive), kill the New Deal, anti-estate tax, anti-capital gains tax, etc.
Hedlund is one of the most right-wing office holders in the state. And he’s no more qualified than McGovern. McGovern and Hedlund’s previous qualifications are both “business owner.” Both have an MA. Hell, he even voted against auditing the Big Dig in 2000. If that doesn’t prove someone is not qualified….
He is mean Weymouth waitresses? He is trying to kill the New Deal? Presumably you are referring to when FDR was governor of Massachusetts??? I can’t argue that Hedlund is pro-tax — but how many State Senators were endorsed by CLT and SESU, Mass teachersÂ’ Union, AFL-CIO, et al? Only Hedlund, the right-wing extremist of Massachusetts. He even voted against auditing the Big Dig?? Do you know anything about the Big Dig? That Hedlund has been consistently cited in the media as watchdog for had been going on — before the sky started falling this summer? I guess you’re not the type to let the facts get in the way of a good story. About the only fair criticism so far has been on his gawd-awful facial hair. You should stick to that.
it looked like a chop job.
Young people don’t have a clue… (about medicare? the difficulty of living on a fixed income? about the joys of being a grandparent?)
Not flattering, but maybe not so fair neither.
In what context would it be OK to mock a Chinese-American constituent who needed help? And on tv no less. At best, he’s a jerk. At worst, racist.
The comment about Senators being able to do anything they want and get away with it is more then enough to lose my vote.
without hearing the 30 seconds before and after, who knows.
It’s just not obvious. There’s no reason to not know what was actually said — obviously the video exists, and if the senator was a real jerk, there’d be no need to cut the video at that instant.
What does he really say? He sure sounds like a jerk, but I don’t think it’s fair to be so sure based solely on this video.
It seems to me there is something fundamentally wrong with that.
Church and state seperation?
You’re on to something here, something big…! đŸ™‚
Hack job on a hack candidate. I’ll call this one even.
Ah…community cable and Bob Hedlund…what a combination! He’s my state senator…and he’s nothing if not consistent. He routinely makes comments like these regardless of whom he is speaking with. I don’t fault him for espousing vile values that essentially appeal to the “base instincts” that win so many votes in the red state cultures of this country. Bigoty, ignorance, selfishness, arrogance, and plain old mean-spiritedness score big points in a large swath of our nation, alas.
However, I do fault him for assuming that such open vileness is supported HERE. Seems to be the theme of the clueless GOP. Exhibit A: the ludicrous and astounding self-destruction of the current GOP gubernatorial candidate. Can he not understand how Healey’s deployment of the national GOP “smear & fear” playbook has essentially eliminated her from contention?
Conservatives across the country…and here, it seems…decry Massachusetts as being “out of synch” with the rest of the nation. Well, thank God that we are.
But not Bob…he’s right in tune with the ignorati.