Grace Ross is on Jay Severin’s show right now. Good for her for going on, and good for him for having her on.
He asked her flat out “Are you a racist?” She said “Excuse me? I don’t understand.” He responded “I’ll say it again slower.” And then repeated “Are you a racist?” really slowly. Dear God.
He asked her about DePetro (though he did not mention him by name) and asked her which of the three words he used (Big, Fat, and Lesbian) were “Wildly inaccurate” in describing her. She gave a good answer: “Big, because I’m about 5’1″.”
She said that she did not support him being fired, that whatever decision was made was up to the station’s owners to make. Anyway, a very bizarre interview to say the least.
Ross is clearly not a racist. Why the hell would he ask her that?
[snark]if she’s NOT a racist, then why doesn’t she support Deval Patrick?![/snark]
asking her about affirmative action, insinuating that she is racist becuase affirmative action is “Reverse racism.” He could have made a fair point, but the way in which he did it made him lose credibility in my mind.