Canvassing in Derry, New Hampshire
Time: 9:30 am to 10 am
Meeting Place: 18 Buttonwood Dr., Derry
Contact Chris and Lisa 603-434-3204
Canvassing in Merrimack, New Hampshire
Time: 9 am
Meeting Place: 31 Island Drive, Merrimack.
Contact Kathy 603-964-4314
For phone banking and or canvassing questions, call/Email Ronan Cohen at 603-659-7154 / or email ronan AT newmillenniumnutrition DOT com
Or if you can not help out, please support Carols GOTV efforts with a last minute contribution.
Thank you and lets turn Congress BLUE
Please share widely!
You can help Paul Hodes in the Keene area
If you live near Connecticut, you can help in the Lamont race or in one of the House races to unseat Shays or Johnson. If you live near Rhode Island, call the Whitehouse campaign and help him defeat incumbent Chafee.
If anybody ever needed 800 lawyers, it is Mitt Romney.
don’t forget that those of you who live near the VERMONT border, your help is needed to elect Peter Welch to the congress. we need every vote that we can get in the upcoming congress.let’s get every Democrat elected that we can. go for it.