First, there was outgoing Sen. Bill Frist (dork-TN):
FRIST: In the Senate, we’ll keep the Senate for sure. And it’s because we’ve got a vision out there, a Republican vision for the future, and that’s what the voter ultimately over the next two weeks, these teachable moments, is going to decide on.
Is it going to be a Republican future of lower taxes out there, strong on security, or a Democrat vision, who is going to come out and raise your taxes and does want to surrender to the terrorists today. And that’s ultimately what’s going to decide it, and with that, we will absolutely keep the majority in the United States Senate.
Then, there was Jon Stewart, who identified the Democratic candidate Frist apparently thought was running in every contested election:
And then, the people of America did this:
I know, gloating is wrong, Schadenfreude should be frowned upon, yadda yadda yadda. But when people like Frist spew garbage like that, it’s just so nice seeing it thrown right back in their faces.
sabutai says
You mean we aren’t going to surrender to the terrorists, and raise taxes on people who don’t like terrorists?
But I already planned the party: we were gonna get together for a burka contest, eat some tasteless gruel, watch al-Qaeda videos, and tune into CNN as the president handed the keys to the White House over to Osama bin Laden. Heck, the balloons alone (no kites allowed!) cost over $100 — do you know how expensive it is to get balloons custom printed with “Welcome Terrorist Masters!” in November? Sheesh.
lightiris says
how really good that tasteless gruel can be with just the right amount of drawn yak butter drizzled on top. Trust me.
andrew-s says
the helium shortage. You might need to resort to a black-market helium source, which will bring you to the attention of the Department of Homeland Security for illegally depleting a valuable natural resource. That it’ll jack the price of the balloons way higher than $100 goes without saying…
johnk says
The snowball rolling down the mountain with the Schiavo diagnosis on the Senate floor. Probably the beginning of the end for the Republicans.
BTW has anyone seen the Fantasy Congress fantasy game. I just read about it today, fairly interesting to check out. Not playing but seeing what these college kids put together. Can’t see myself following for the Reauthorization of the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act of 1999 so my team could get 120 points.
david says
Yeah, I think so too – that and the Social Security debacle.
gary says
sunderlandroad says
Every time I see it, it makes me laugh
annem says
a much less disturbing experience since the tables have turned in both Houses. I used to not be able to tolerate even listening to him, literally, and now his voice just reminds me of how far he and they have fallen… Yes, so satisfying.
freshayer says
Read the bit in the Globe today where Joe Lieberman stated on “Meet the Press” he won’t rule out switching parties. He got elected from the Republicans abandoning their guy in Conn. while all the Dem heavy weights begged him not to run. Joe Lieberman is the most powerful person in Washington right now.
anthony says
He’d never be able to run for President as a republican and would be jeopardizing his senate seat if he switched. I am convinced he is just beating his chest because he can. I’d say he’s earned the right but someone so intelligent and clever is not bound to do something so foolish.
kathy says
than Democratic seats. If he switches, he will probably be part of a minority party in 2008. He’s just
kathy says
I meant to say that he’s just having fun wielding his power-for now.
kathy says
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Inhofe OK
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McConnell KY
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Craig ID
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Reed RI
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Rockefeller WV