John Kerry should apologize to the troops and to the American people that he gave the Bush administration another opportunity to try to use the troops and the Iraqi war for political purposes. John Kerry should apologize that he gave Bush, et al., another opportunity to lie to us all about the Iraq war and their roles in it. Finally, John Kerry should apologize to stand-up comics everywhere for trying to tell a joke and failing miserably. (I have been there; it is not pretty, even when it is just a close group of friends.)
John Kerry, however, should not apologize to the American troops for not supporting them because it is not true. He has and does support the troops, as do all of us. Bush should apologize to Democrats for implying that we do not and for implying that a decorated war hero does not. And to all those chicken Democrats who have asked Kerry to keep quiet, you still do not get it. By doing that, you have helped George Bush.