Our friends at the AP decided to give us a “Did you Know” about Mitt. Here’s my favorite:
While a missionary in France, he was involved in a car accident. A police officer wrote on his passport: Il est mort (He is dead).
My question is: Did the police write that while Mitt handed them his passport?
Hey, forget the Mormon thing, he’s going to need to explain to the GOP what he was doing in France!
Please share widely!
This means that–like Paris Hilton–Willard is named for a hotel chain.
It’s on the Marriott web site.
Does that trump Kerry’s gentleman’s ‘C’ at Yale?
So when you put that together with the clusterfu*k of an administration it make you wonder if he actually did what he said he was going to do when elected instead of immediately starting his presidential campaign where would MA be?
Hell, Bush was a failed businessman to boot. Romney was much more successful in the private sector. He should have stayed there.
He managed to secure fat pensions for lots of Republicans like Fehrnstrom.
From Rasumussen Polling: 43% of American respondants would “never vote” for a Mormon candidate. Nineteen percent on top of that “aren’t sure.”
Among evangelical Christians, only 47% would be open to voting for a Mormon.
Thanks for playing, Mitt.
…because the scandal element will have burned out by March of ’08. Much like it did for Jack Kennedy.
I didn’t realize being a Mormon was a scandal. Likewise, I didn’t realize that Romney was going to stop being a Mormon long before the campaign swung in high gear.
Of couse, much of this element of shock mirrors that of Claude Rains in Casablanca, who is SHOCKED to find gambling going on at Rick’s.
There is the same sort of lack of understanding about Mormonism as there was about Catholicism fifty years ago – I remember elderly relatives who were CONVINCED that Kennedy would have a special line installed to the Pope to check in on how that interstate road program should be funded.
That same sort of ignorance, tinged with leftist bigotry (“thanks for playing, Mitt”) can be addressed with fairminded people like the American electorate. Not all voters are hatemongers like Joe Kennedy, putting out anti-Mormon propaganda on behalf of Uncle Ted when Mitt ran against him.
Sorry Peter P. I think when people step back and take a hard look at the Mormon Church they are going to ask themselves where the hell these people came from. It’s not the same as Kennedy in 1960.
If I’m wrong?please educate me.
Kramer! Is that you?
just for you gary
And really – EVERY faith has odd beliefs. People coming back from the dead, virgin birth, ascending into heaven being pulled by a chariot – did ANY of this interefere with ability to govern, you bigot?
It’s not religious intolerance, y’know.
Lots of really thoughtful people have sincere questions about this Mormon thing.
I mean, do we really want one of them as President?
Like I said earlier, I’m glad this discussion is happening in 2006, not 2008. By then SINCERE questions by thoughtful people will be answered. SPURIOUS ones will continue to flourish like crabgrass, a la Claude Rains.
He was in France when his father gave his famous ‘I was brainwashed on Vietnam’ interview. He actual just saw it for the first time a few months ago, with a Globe reporter, IIRC.
he cross dresses on the weekends đŸ™‚
Happy TDay everyone…