Martha Coakley just gave her victory speech. Said it’s good to live in a state where people reward talent regardless of race or gender.
John Kerry speaking now. People are “voting everywhere to end the politics of fear and smear”. Angry, hoarse-voiced speech. “End the Bush disaster in Iraq. Stop the corruption of the peoples’ House… It was wrong to lie America into a war.” Big praise for Ted Kennedy.
Ted Kennedy speaking: Troops have served long enough — time for a policy that’s worthy of them.
TK just did a hilarious Arnold Schwarzenegger imitation. Awesome.
“Gosh we Kennedys have been here for freakin’ ever.” That’s the gist. But man, he still gets it. “I want to thank all those who’ve been working for Deval Patrick and Tim Murray, too!”
Kim says Healey concedes.
Deval’s about to come on now, introduced by Sen. Kerry, whose voice needs a rest. “We have made history in Massachusetts … We have elected a young, exciting, inspirational leader who will restore progressive politics to this state, and we have elected the first African-American governor of this state.”
Wrong-o, Kerry introduced Tim Murray, who’s giving a very nice speech, celebrating the diversity of MA. “We are one Commonwealth.”
Tim hands off to Teddy again.
Teddy: “You have fired a shot heard ’round the world again.”
Ted introduces Deval … the music starts up, and the big screens show Deval slowly walking down the corridor to the hall … goosebumps. Absolute bedlam as he bounds on to the stage, shaking the hands of people in the front row.
“The broadest and best-organized grassroots organization this Commonwealth has ever known.” Cheers. Celebrates diversity. Students, businesspeople, those who go without work when there is so much to do. “You are the mother who thanked me for running a campaign her kid could watch and be proud of.”
“I have been blessed with the best campaign manager on the planet” … a great LG candidate … wife. “I’m not forgetting Ron Bell. Relax.”
“This is the character of the people of Massachusetts … and these are the people I’m proud to serve as the next governor.”
“I’m not here to serve as governor of the winners. I’m here to serve as governor of all of us… build bridges with the supporters of the other campaigns.” Congratulates Healey, Ross and Mihos. They deserve gratitude and respect. “Let us also thank Mitt Romney for his service.” Boos. “That is not what we are about (i.e. boo-birds) … But we owe gratitude to anyone willing to serve.”
“Don’t let cynicism win, ever — even when I make mistakes … We built up the grass roots to govern in a different way.”
Talks about how mother died soon after he showed her Globe article about how he was thinking of running. “For 40 years, Massachusetts has been my home.”
“We have succeeded in raising each others’ hopes. And I can’t wait to get to work.”
I’m stuck out here in the ticketless area, but if you’re nearby I’d be happy to say hello.
I’ll come down and look for you. I’m wearing a brown leather jacket and black sweater, 5’9″, brown hair, bearing a notebook computer. Nothing’s happening right now.
Black trenchcoat, white striped shirt, glasses, near the bars on the telephone-and-exit side.
If I could watch Deval Stream his victory speech… They, for some reason, are not covering MA here in Wisconsin đŸ˜‰
but at least cnn international is covering the senate/house live. oh wait…i needed to sleep tonight. oops!
I’m so jealous of all of you who’re back in MA watching this happen – celebrate a little extra for me!
MSNBC jsut said Chafee lost??!!
This is pretty amazing. This one is out of nowhere and is very bad news for Republicans.
I would have been there but I’m out of town – I would pay money to see a video of this, especially the Schwarzenegger impression. Anybody have, or know where there’s one online?