As you may or may not know, I have a huge hair across my ass for
1. Red Sox Ownership and
2. D.A. Dan Conley,( hey dan, you can still prosecute that corrupt, lying, homicide cop who stole expensive sun glasses while on an investigation – it’s on film)
I would like to add a third name to this distinguished group. Congressman Marty Meehan. Boy, does this guy bother me. And he always has. My Lowell friends tell me they support him but don’t like him. (He’s an a-hole, but their a-hole)Ask Marty about his first wife. The one that worked her ass off so Marty could attend law school. When the bar results arrived Marty walked out on her.
Remember his term limit pledge? How was he to know he would be such a great congressman that it would be inappropriate for him not to continue his great work. (sort of like the dem version of God wants me to do this)
I bring this up now because the Globe’s Steve Bailey tells us today that Marty is promoting a Lowell Sun birthday tribute to him . You know what I mean. If you are a local business or politician or organization you better pay $$$$ to Lowell Sun for an ad telling Marty how much you love him.
And if you forget, someone from Marty’s congressional staff will give you a call to remind you.
Hmmmm. In these tough economic times for the print media Marty is helping the largest newspaper in his district get windfall. And using public employees to do so.
Typical Marty, he is sooo important in his mind that common sense and basic rules don’t apply to him.
Please Please Please! I implore you liberal, hard working, grass root dems. We cannot elect this guy as US Senator. (same for Steve Lynch)
He doesn’t have your vote?
Hey, you got to give the man credit, it takes guts to not give any of your 5 million in the bank to other party members in close elections.
For term limits hope you feel the same way about the entire Republican House for not even passing term limits when it was part of their contract with … you know, us, America. Newt and Giuliani could probably tell us some good stories about their marital qualities.
I got Fidel Delahunt!
rather hang out with?
I’ll take Delehunt by a mile anyday over Meehan and Lynch
…’Can we SEND it to them, Mommy?’
Can we SEND him to you, Ernie?