% OB/G Won/Lost 2002: -17.49%
% P/M Won in 2006: 2.59%
Net % Change’02-’06: 20.08%
2002: 30.30%
2006: 55.31%
Net Change: 25.01%
2002: 5.74%
2006: 23.1%
Net Change: 17.36%
2002: 12.55
2006: 35.05
Net Change: 22.50
2002: -16.11
2006: 11.19
Net Change: 27.30
2002: 19.26
2006: 49.08
Net Change: 29.82
2002: -1.95
2006: 19.47
Net Change: 21.42
2002: 25.46
2006: 42.16
Net Change: 16.70
2002: -4.74
2006: 21.57
Net Change: 26.31
2002: -5.81
2006: 21.13
Net Change: 26.94
2002: -11.51
2006: 13.12
Net Change: 24.63
2002: -19.61
2006: 5.54
Net Change: 25.15
2002: 25.42
2006: 47.48
Net Change: 22.06
2002: -16.10
2006: 17.13
Net Change: 33.23
*I couldn’t get my image to go up. So no chart, sorry.
The pre-primary ground work of all the Deval supporters, and their commitment to him, no matter who won Lt. Governor, is what I believe got us to where we are now.
I too am from Worcester, and like a great Deval supporter, I will take the high road and just say, despite the frustration here after the primary, the original Patrick supporters stayed together and stayed on message to change government as we knew it. For me, Deval is who got me to be so committed to winning.
No offense to Mr. Murray, but Deval Patrick was the reason why the Democrats won. He was able to succeed with help by the thousands of people who were part of his grass roots effort, but the grass roots rallied around him because he was an incredible candidate. Don’t get me wrong, the Lieutenant Governor-elect was an asset, but Deval Patrick would have won with Andrea Silbert or Deb Goldberg on the ticket.
Deval’s campaign strategy was very simple. Acknowledge there are voters who live outside of the 128 belt. Go out and meet with them. Listen carefully and respect what they have to say. Involve them in your vision of a better dialogue. Stick to that message in spite of the party trying to thwart your attempts to be governor with manufacturing Gabrielle’s 15% margin at the convention because O’Reilly tanked and well a black man can’t win in MA
I like Tim Murray but the conventional wisdom that Deval needed him to win is just wrong. Deval figured out what was needed was a politician not beholden to the status quos and his landside is a testament to that.
Given that Deval won by 21 points, it’s hard to imagine him losing with anyone less disman than, say, Mark Foley as his running mate. Of course he’d have won with any of the other LG candidates.
I’m convinced, though, that his winning margin was higher with Tim Murray than it would’ve been with either of the others. Deval already had the liberal and wealthy vote sewn up, and Tim helped him in Central Mass. and with working class people.
Tim helped bring a big block of Worcester and Hampden Co. voters over that were stuck in the Reilly/Gabrieli faultlines. Neither of the other LG candidates could have done that and frankly, I think it sucks that (despite the no offense disclaimer) anyone would sandbox fight about who did more “Deval did”, “nah, ah, Tim did”. It is an awesome team.
In some areas with high Reilly devotion, Murray had more sway than would have Deval had he come out as frequently as Tim had. Many Reilly/Gabrieli people were also Murray people. A lot of Silbert’s support came from people who already were for Deval, so as much as she would have brought to the ticket, it’s hard to argue she would have brought some of Gabs’ people, and especially those more hardline Reilly people.
I think the top of the ticket was the bulk of the overall ~25% increase from the 2002 numbers, but I defintely think Tim deserves credit (at the very least) for that bump being 8 points higher in Worcester County. We didn’t win the whole county (my hometown and my wife’s hometown are both in southern Worcester County and went to Healey unfortunately) but I think Tim did help in the close suburbs, Shrewbury etc.
Did you think I would say anything else?
When Muffy went after Deval on the middle class fear based issues, the Voice of the middle class candidate (Eileen McNamara’s words not mine) Silbert would have been in a far better position to debate back over the desperate house wife from Prides Crossing outrageous accusations. But the bottom line is the credit goes to Deval from where I sit in the sand box.
Silbert was not the middle class candidate–Tim Murray was the middle class candidate. Silbert would have brought nothing to the table that Deval didn’t already bring. Murray brought people to the polls in Worcester and Hampden County that still probably don’t know who the heck Silbert is.
Did Deval run a great campaign? Sure. Did Muffy run a terrible campaign? You bet. Did people go out on November 7th to specifically vote for Tim Murray? Absolutely.
Now let’s move on.
Didn’t your guy win? Can’t you take some good natured ribbing? Sheesh…
It was an all around great effort put forward by both Patrick and Murray. But alot of posters said Murray’s ground work and message would not carry him over the finish line, remember that Hoss and Frank ? I got buried with all kinds of criticism from many who consistently said people do not vote on down ticket candidate.
Anyway it’s all behind us and now is the time to re-build and start moving our state in the right direction. And I have no doubt that Patrick and Murray are the best individuals to do just that. I think thousands of others would agree with me on this one Hoss ?? Do you ?
Happy Turkey Day !! U too Gilly !!!!
Only kidding, I bet you thought I was gone Hoss?? Well, if if thought I would let you sneak one in on me without responding then you had another one coming.
Let’s all work together, the re-building has started and the name of the game is all about addition not subtraction. The Patric/Murray ticket is a great team, one that I spoke out in favor of on Sept 15th , don’t you remember the post ??
We should all be happy that this ticket is going to move our state forward – forward where there will be lots of excitement for all of us !
Happy Turkey Day Hoss !
Patrick/Murray the dream ticket !
Stop being silly in criticizing SSL’s awesome number crunch and posting. No one sane is claiming that Deval Patrick would not have won without Tim Murray on the ticket.
Deval is an awesome candidate and, as it turned out, the Healey campaign was absolutely horrible. The frightening truth is that the Healey-Hillman campaign was the unmasked face of what passes for a moderate New England Republican these days, a kinder, gentler version of Mitt Romney. Give me a break! (This is why there is only one Republican member of the US House (Shays of CT) in all of the six New England states as of January.)
And pleading for divided government (of course, at the state but not the national level!) while simultaneously offering few candidates at the state level and fewer still legislatively. Wow, what chutzpah! Kerry Healey asking people to vote for a Republican in the corner office to prevent one party rule in the commonwealth was like a person who pleads guilty to murdering his parents throwing himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan. There are so few Republicans in the Mass. legislature because Republican candidates stand for things that are repugnant to most Mass. voters. The GOP is now down to an unbelievably low 12% of the state legislature. Regardless of party label, most people will vote for candidates who stand up for values that resonate with them. Fortunately, at least in Massachusetts, you can’t win an election with a big pile of money and nothing but anti-government, anti-tax, anti-gay, anti-choice, anti-public employee, anti-public school rhetoric.
All that said, it is incredibly important, even if it doesn’t mean the difference between winning and losing in a 21% landslide, to recognize and appreciate what the Murray candidacy and organization brought to the success of the ticket. Tim’s candidacy and his pre-primary campaign strategy of focusing especially on the Western and Central parts of the state brought significant value added to the ticket. The Romney-Healey administration was the first in the 16 year GOP run with two office holders from inside the greater Boston megalopolis and the resentment in the central and western part of the state was palpable and ripe for the picking. Tim’s campaign, under the able leadership of Joe O’Brien, harvested that.
Plus, as I have stated elsewhere on BMG, Murray is not just a Jim McGovern protege. Tim is in the Jim McGovern model, an unabashed and unapologetic, happy, optimistic, fighting liberal/progressive who is able to retain wide support from white, male, hetero, blue collar Catholic ethnics because he is unmistakably one of them.
I know folks vote for the top of the ticket, not the 2nd banana, most of the time. But when we canvassed across this region (outside of Worcester because we virtually ignored Worcester for most of the post primary time) we were constantly confronted by voters who were sold on Tim but uncertain about Deval. I am certain that we were able to garner the support of many of them because the comfort with Tim ultimately outweighed their misgivings about Deval.
There’s no pretense in Tim Murray. He’s so totally Worcester, just a really decent normal guy who gets it. Last weekend, Tim Murray was spotted raking the leaves in front of his house. He’s already announced that he will not only continue to live in Worcester but that he intends to be buried here (hopefully many, many years from now). He also announced his intention to commute to Boston by the commuter rail as often as possible. That should help to get us more and better service. Yea, Tim!
Tim Murray is the kind of Democrat who strengthens our party and helps us to bring back the Reagan Democrats and other alienated parts of our former base. And he does it with a politics unmistakably to the left of Deval Patrick’s. His contribution to our party’s future is tremendous. His future in leading our commonwealth is a blessing to us all. Thank you SSL for helping us to better understand the difference the Murray candidacy made.
And those below who doubt the effect of Murray on the Central Massachusetts ticket don’t fully understand the dynamic at play during this cycle and don’t appreciate how popular Murray is here. Murray was huge, huge, huge.
Sorry to break it to you people, but that’s the truth.
As per my comment above, Tim did a LOT of campaigning out in central Mass that was much more effective than having Deval in those same events. There were a lot of enthusiastic Tim supporters there of every governors stripe.
I’ll work to get Jim McGovern elected President. Let’s get him in the US Senate first. BTW, good job mentioning the Murray campaign, Joe O’Brien et al. They knew the winning combo from Jump Street. Terrific people.
I don’t really want Jim McGovern to run for President. Or even Senate. I don’t imagine he would easily win for President. He could win for an open Senate seat but he is ideally situated to set the national Congressional agenda from his current place. And if Jim gave up his seat I know I couldn’t possibly have as good a representative in Congress. No, I just think Jim is totally awesome, the best member of Congress ever in the history of the universe.
As the number two Democrat on the House Rules Committee Jim’s going to be an important floor leader for the Dems (he already has been), now in the majority. And since Louise Slaughter, the new Committee chair is thirty years Jim’s senior, she should live and be well, at some time Jim McGovern will actually be sitting in Joe Moakley’s old chair. Joe would be so proud.
Maybe I should change my name to Jim McGovern for Rules Committee Chair. Naaahhh!
Evrybody hated Bush… That is what worked for us.
We might not be so lucky next time:
more bad news: Bush is buying clear channel Check out the comments here http://www.huffingto…
Bain Capital and Thomas H. Lee are bed with the CARLYLE GROUP. Surprise, Surprise. I guess it would have been too obvious to have the Carlyle name out front owning the primary means of radio telecommunications in the country. Couple this with the news of Bush’s attempt to renominate Kenneth Y. Tomlinson as chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which is the agency that directs U.S. broadcasts overseas, and you have a concerted effort by the established elite to control the vast majority of American radio broadcasts. Wake up!
By: ProfiteerInCheif on November 16, 2006 at 02:26pm
Flag: [abusive]
ProfiteerinChief has nailed it right.
the investment group is a front for the Carlyle Group.
Carlyle specializes in the following industries: Aerospace & Defense, Automotive, Consumer & Retail, Energy & Power, Healthcare, Industrial, Real Estate, Technology & Business Services, Telecommunications & Media, and Transportation. The Carlyle Group’s investments are focused on East Asia, Europe and North America, with most investment money coming from the United States (65%), Europe (25%), Asia (6%), Latin America, and the Middle East. Defense investments represent about 1% of the group’s current portfolio – though this translates, for example, into a 33.8% ownership of QinetiQ, the UK’s recently privatized defence company.
Politicians affiliated with Carlyle
* James Baker III, former United States Secretary of State under George H. W. Bush, Staff member under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush, Carlyle Senior Counselor, served in this capacity from 1993 to 2005.
* George H. W. Bush, former U.S. President, Senior Advisor to the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board from April 1998 to October 2003.
* George W. Bush, current U.S. President. Was appointed in 1990 to the Board of Directors of one of Carlyle’s first acquisitions, an airline food business called Caterair, which Carlyle eventually sold at a loss. Bush left the board in 1992 to run for Governor of Texas.
* Frank C. Carlucci, former United States Secretary of Defense from 1987 to 1989; Also, former Princeton wrestling partner of present US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. Carlyle Chairman and Chairman Emeritus from 1989 to 2005.
* Richard Darman, former Director of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget under George H. W. Bush, Senior Advisor and Managing Director of The Carlyle Group from 1993 to the present
* William Kennard, Chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) under President Bill Clinton, Carlyle’s Managing Director in the Telecommunications & Media Group from 2001 to the present.
* Arthur Levitt, Chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under President Bill Clinton, Carlyle Senior Advisor from 2001 to the present
* John Major, former British Prime Minister, Chairman, Carlyle Europe from 2002 until 2005
Lawyer Says FCC Ordered Study Destroyed
Nicole Belle on Friday, September 15th, 2006 at 5:53 PM – PDT
Associated Press via Houston Chronicle:
p> The Federal Communications Commission ordered its staff to destroy all copies of a draft study that suggested greater concentration of media ownership would hurt local TV news coverage, a former lawyer at the agency says. [..] Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif. received a copy of the report “indirectly from someone within the FCC who believed the information should be made public,” according to Boxer spokeswoman Natalie Ravitz. Adam Candeub, now a law professor at Michigan State University, said senior managers at the agency ordered that “every last piece” of the report be destroyed. “The whole project was just stopped _ end of discussion,” he said. Candeub was a lawyer in the FCC’s Media Bureau at the time the report was written and communicated frequently with its authors, he said. Read on?
So Former Chairman Michael Powell commissions a study to prove that allowing corporations to own multiple stations in regions doesn’t actually hurt the public’s interest in quality or quantity of local news information and the study shows the exact opposite: local media ownership DOES give the consumer greater and more relevant local news.
What’s a Bush appointee to do?
Bury the report in a drawer and order all the work product to be destroyed-destroyed, not shoved in a vault, not filed in some “mislabeled” folder to be shuffled in some bureaucratic hell. Then go ahead and approve more corporation ownership of local stations, thereby working against the public interest of which they are charged. Current Chairman Kevin Martin claims he was unaware of the report in his letter to Barbara Boxer.
FAIR has more and an action item to call for an investigation.