We have every intention to make this the biggest Dem midterm GOTV effort ever. If you want to confirm, or get directions to the office, etc,
Call Bethel: 603/223-3006, or
She may forward you to Brooke, who runs the Keene operation.
If you’re not in the Keene area, and would like to know where else you can go, or just want to go where you are needed most:
Call Bethel: 603/223-3006, or
and she’ll let you know your options.
If the 2-5pm schedule doesn’t suit you, or you’d rather not do all that walking, you might want to take an opportunity with the America Votes organization – a highly sophisticated GOTV operation doing work for all Democratic candidates. They have two office in the area, and you can sign up for the shift that works best for you at: their website. America Votes is trying to form a permanent GOTV infrastructure, and they are using some pretty sophisticated tech to target and contact voters. Check them out.
Oh, and if you want to look for me I look like this:
or alternatively the guy with the glasses here:
You can also canvas for the NH 01 congressional race by driving up 93 North and help the surging campaign of Carol Shea-Porter! Details can be found on the link