I love this paper.
The choice for governor has never been more clear for anyone who lives in Berkshire County. Deval Patrick knows where we live and has even visited us out here in the boonies. Kerry Healey wouldn’t know us if she stumbled over us in her high heels.
Boonies? It’s ground zero for common sense.
Please share widely!
Berkshire County (well technically, my Senate District, which includes a few non-Berkshire towns, but is 85% Berkshire County) went 70% for Deval in the Primary.
That’s an awful high bar to try to get over. Can we do as well in the General? I’m hoping so, but have no idea. If we do 2-to-1 I’ll be very pleased.
Still, the point is (with all due respect) it don’t take a lot of cajones to come out for Deval around here. That said, I welcome the Transcript’s endorsement, and commend them for their generous coverage of Deval’s multiple visits to the area. And, of course, to Healey’s. Oh wait, there haven’t been any? Never mind!
I love how edgy the language has been in many of these endorsements. There’s a real contempt there for Healy just below the surface, and most of these organizations wouldn’t do that gratuitously — she’s really earned it every way possible, including, but not limited to, not even bothering to frigging show up.
Kerry Healey wouldn’t know us if she stumbled over us in her high heels. Mee-yow!