You read it here first. In an historic achievement maverick outsider Deval Patrick swept Massachusetts from its western border to its Atlantic coast tonight and ended 16 nightmarish years of Republican control of the Governor’s office.
Worcester Mayor Tim Murray, a young politician who won universal acclaim during a hard-fought primary for articulate leadership, experience, and unfailing civility, trounced Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor Reed Hillman. Patrick and Murray ran on the same ticket.
With 0% of the precincts reporting, Patrick’s already convincing lead was only likely to grow through the evening.
UPDATE: No, seriously, the major media folks really did call it immediately at 8pm for Patrick: I heard on ‘BUR that Channel 5 had already done it; we’re hearing about MSNBC in the comments. It’s for real. Governor-Elect Deval Patrick!
Already called it.
Thanks but no thanks. I’ll wait.
EEe Ha!
And you beat CNN by 1 minute
MSNBC calling it for Patrick.
Good work, everyone.
If I wasn’t so tired from holding signs, poll watching, and door knocking today I would actually get up and do it myself.
I just scared the cat with the shout of delight. The snoopy dance would be far too much for her….
I’m playing “Proud” right now!!!!!…NECN called it at 8:02
Barb – Worc.
But does anyone know why they are calling this already?
to make you feel proud?
Elected Deval Patrick, Governor and made Massachusetts HISTORY!!!
Well, nothing if not optimistic, thats our boys
Make me the most happy college student ever
time to shake up the shiny beacon on the Hill. As Flounder said (rubbing his meaty hands together), “this is going to be great!”
For those disappointed with tonight’s result you gotta believe that if you wanted the “culture on Beacon Hill” to be drastically change only a Governor Patrick could do it. Now we’ll see whether he can do it.
Either way, you guys are going to come out ahead
That’s all I have to say.
‘Nuff said!
10 of 50 Precincts reporting
Patrick/Murray 72.1%
Healy Hillman 19.79%
but there are tears in my eyes. It’s finally paid off.
You should all feel proud.
Healey 5374
Patrick 12854
Mihos 1219
Ross 524
Patrick plurality 7484
Patrick percentage 64.4%
of Tim Murray, a homegrown, get-it-done guy who knows how to build coalitions and get people talking to each other.
If Deval could come up with a recipie for an ideal running mate, it would be Tim. Funny how that worked out.
This is just the beginning, folks. Just wait until 2008.
Well technically he still is until January.
I can’t wait to be in Council Chambers next Tuesday…..
And when he’s sworn in, we will have another milestone in Worcester…a woman (Konnie Lukes) becomes only the 2nd woman to ever be Mayor of Worcester in our 158 year history, and not since the early ’80’s.
And Tim is only 38 years old. And been serving on the City Council since he was 28!
Yep, we’re real proud of him too. I think I’m finally going to enjoy going to the “Golden Dome” for 4 more years, at least.
I suspect we shall see him in every corner of the Commonwealth in the coming days, to say Thank you!
Well, I’m too pooped to type, so I’m signing of for tonight.
BTW, I hope everyone noticed that Deval and Tim got more than 1,000,000 votes and that was with only 87 % of precincts reporting!
is suddenly going to become even more entertaining as usual, now that the eternal gadfly, Konnie Lukes, will become Mayor. For some on the Council, it’s a nightmare come true. For Konnie, well… it’s payback time.
In January, let the games begin! Be sure and tell us Worcester expatriates what the fireworks look like, won’t you?
While I don’t share your elation, I do share in your hopes for a better Massachusetts over the next four years.
Come back often!
to keep this state great and moving ever upward.
So roll up your sleeves and join in, because many hands make light work… and are a lot more fun, too.
I will continue to visit and participate here, but politically, I’ll be working on the other side of the aisle. I know there are many BMGers who recognize open and substanative debate is a requisite part of responsible governance.
It is my very sincere hope that the Republican party in this state can regroup and rebuild after this election, and start offering a meaningful alternative from the bottom up, now that their apparatus for holding the Governor’s office has failed. Think of it as learning from the Patrick campaign’s success, or if you can’t stand that, as learning from the aftermath of Goldwater.
If both parties pay attention to what people want and need, at the town as well as the state level, irrespective of wealth, ethnicity or geography, the no matter who holds office we all win.
whoo hoo is right. it’s a wonderfull night.