The Mass. Nurses Association has offered 25 phone lines for our phone banking operation and Senator Joyce has agreed to come and phone voters with us! Please join us so that we can make the most of this extraordinary opportunity to increase the vote for Deval Patrick and Senator Joyce.
What: Phone Bank for Deval Patrick
When: Wednesday Nov 1, 6:00 pm 8:30 pm and Thursday Nov 2, 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Where: Mass. Nurses Association Headquarters, 340 Turnpike Street, Canton
Why: There is only one week left to for us elect a Democratic Governor for the first time in twenty years! Calling our neighbors is the most powerful thing we can do to keep Senator Joyce in office and elect Deval Patrick. Well provide the lists, scripts and training plus refreshments!
We need YOU to secure a victory for Deval Patrick and Senator Joyce!
If you are interested in coming and have any friends, children, neighbors, etc . . . please e-mail me and let me know that you can come.
I think Senator Joyce will be just fine in his reelection attempt.
I wonder, will he and Deval be carpooling to the State House together? I guess Deval will be getting a ride from the State Police, so probably not. But still, if your next-door neighbor is going to the same place as you at the same time, shouldn’t you give him a lift? It would save gas.