Please Read, Take Action and Forward
Governor Romney is at it again, trying to score political points off the backs of same-sex couples and their families. Last week, by a vote of 109-87, a majority of Massachusetts legislators voted to derail our opponents’ plans to write discrimination into our constitution and end marriage equality.
This Sunday afternoon, Governor Romney will lead a rally on the State House steps to further his presidential ambitions by using marriage equality as a divisive wedge issue. Since we began our campaign to protect marriage equality almost exactly three years ago, we’ve countered our opponents’ message of fear and divisiveness with an even more powerful message of love and equality. Please join us across the street from the State House at 1 PM on Sunday to show your support for marriage equality and the Legislature’s action. Bring your friends and family, along with signs displaying your support. The event will not last long, so please take an hour or two out of your day and stand up to Governor Romney and those who would take us back to a darker time.
So, who’s up for it? I’ll be there on the MassEquality side. I know there’s some strong feelings on this, put your money where your mouth is and join your respective side on Sunday! It’ll be raillery with signs across a busy street…What could possibly go wrong?
Mitt Romney? In Massachusetts? What’s he doing in Massachusetts?
I’m glad you asked. There are three criteria that bring Mitt back to the Bay State for at least an hour. Ideally, at least two of three need to be met:
-The opportunity to denigrate the Commonwealth, our laws, or our Legislature.
-The opportunity to separate himself from said Commonwealth and the four years of mediocrity he has brought to it.
-The ability to get the Religious Right so fired up and frothing at the mouth that they forget that they won’t vote for a Mormon.
As you can see, we have a perfect storm on our hands with this one.
You win!
Not vote up or down.
I will be there to stand against those that take their oath of office lightly.
So I assume you’ll be calling out Iowa travelin’, New Hampshire visitn’ Romney for ignoring his duties to Massachusetts? He is, as is easy to forget, Governor of the Commonweath, and I think he took an oath at some point.
But it’s up to you as to whether you think this is taking an oath “lightly”.
I thought people were done with this! It does seem like the gay marriage side is gonna miss these parties, or field trips, or whatever they were. Hey, you know if everyone in the legislature gives an affirmative vote, you can meet up at the state house next summer too! Otherwise, what’ll you do for fun?
How will I recover from such darts of sarcasm?
I’ll be there, standing on the side of civil rights. I would sure hate to see a lot of BMG’ers arm in arm with His Expediency and his anti-gay friends. Mitt’s Sunday rally is a good reminder that, as interesting as process debates are at BMG, processes have real consequences for the thousands of people this Governor and his friends want to make sure are second-class citizens. The debates here have given some cover to people who do not have good intentions toward gays and lesbians.
I appreciate the efforts to turn the debate to a more constructive end. Now I would love to see your help on Sunday and into the new year, doing whatever it takes to be sure this amendment to strip gay people of existing constitutional rights dies. We certainly don’t live in a politically perfect world, where all 200 legislators would vote no, and churches would realize they should examine the logs in their own eyes, before trying to poke everyone’s eyes out with sticks. As much as I don’t want to see health care be “collateral damage” in a campaign for civil rights, I also don’t want the civil rights of thousands of people to be “collateral damage” in a campaign for procedural purity.
I understand both sides of this debate very well, and want this ballot initiative dead once and for all. And I’m hoping it is. The anti-equality folks have $10 million in the bank to spend on the campaign – do we really need to deplete our resources on this issue any more? I, for one, can think of better ways to spend my money (hunger and homelessness, anyone?) than trying to match a $10 million campaign of hate and fear. Didn’t we just get over one of those with Mrs. Healey?
Who exactly vote to recess until January, keeping this issue alive?
Peter — we all understand (as I’m sure you do, too) exactly who is responsible for dragging this out: Gov. Romney.
The only reason the Legislature voted on November 9 to recess until January 2 (the last day of the legislative session) rather than to adjourn was to neutralize Romney’s threat to call the ConCon back into session had they adjourned.
We at queertoday and other activists are encouraging people to be there Sunday to draw attention not just to Romney’s bigotry but the deadly budget cuts, specifically the 735,000 cut in HIV/AIDS Prevention. Everyone I know who works in a non-profit is affected by these cuts. And even though we may have them restored it is not clear if we will get the two months back. I have friends who are not getting raises, at BAGLY we are wondeirng if we’ll have the money to fund LGBT programs throughout the state, Community Servings loses 20 percent of their budget from the cuts, the list goes on and on. These budget cuts are heartless and will literally result in deaths if they are not restored.
i’m so happy i found it. posts like these will make me continue to check this site frequently. i will absolutely do my best to show up tomorrow afternoon firmly on the side of HUMAN RIGHTS and same sex marriage.
down with mitt “hater” romney.
Or did you all wind up down the street at City Hall Plaza to look at the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day balloons?
Or did you do like me, go to church and pray for Tom Brady’s aim, and watch him goose-egg Green Bay?
Romney had his little press conference and pep rally to prove to the right wing base nationwide that he is a true bigot. They bussed people in from their rightpwing churches and had several hundred “let the people vote” sign holders. Our side was smaller but still had a great presence.
p> – Dan