Let me get this straight:
1. The Red Sox are paying a Japanese company $51 million for the opportunity to pay a starting pitcher somewhere near that over a few years.
2. The state is giving the red sox, more or less, $50 million in beatification (my word, not theirs’) for the Fenway area and in particular Boylston Street. The same street where the Red Sox have been buying property like Chris Gabrielli buys relevancy.
Then Eileen McNamara tells us about the plight of care givers for the mentally retarded.
Maybe Deval can do something about both of these things.
Good thing about Deval victory:
Judicial appointments
Bad thing about Deval victory:
Mike Festa/Jarrett Barrios
Really Good thing about Deval victory:
No Reed Hillman
Really Bad thing about Deval victory:
Brian Joyce
Tom Finneran will need a side kick to give his radio show staying power. A young 20 something, intelligent, wise-ass Jewish kid from Newton would be perfect. Someone who has read the Globe and Herald everyday for the last 15 years and can zing Finneran and get away with stuff that others could not.
EB III as his sidekick!
I can see him as the next David Brudnoy!
He could even continue to broadcast from jail!
He is smart, witty, tough – I am SO tired of listening to Howie in order to avoid Paul Sullivan as I drive home at night. (I know they don’t overap, but you know what I mean).
Chris Lydon – pthew! FINNERAN!
Do you live in his district? I do. He’s a fine State Representative, and an activist, progressive Democrat. He is very active in the community and he is highly respected. He is one of those rare legislators who sticks his neck out for what he thinks is right. I am proud to have him representing me in the legislature. I don’t understand what your problem is with him.
And while we’re at it, what’s your problem with Jarrett Barrios, other than the fact that maybe you are a Fluffernutter fan…he seems like a pretty good legislator to me.
in my humble opinion
That’s a rather vicious charge to make with nothing to back it up. In my humble opinion.
…to attack someone’s character without producing a shred of evidence to back it up.
I am not Jewish, nor from Newtown. But I am 21, and a wiseass, and I think Finneran is hilarious. Sign me up.
I am not Jewish, nor from Newton. But I am 21, and a wiseass, and I think Finneran is hilarious. Sign me up.
I’ll get right on that
…but the two of us saying – Back atcha! – might get tedious after a while,,,
You’re right. Finneran with a Republican would be self-congratulatory. I think he needs a Democrat from, say, Arlington. In this case, the partner would join the broadcast using a cheap Radio Shack phone, calling in from a basement janitorial closet in the Statehouse.
Someone who follows politics but isn’t a politico. Some obe who knows about sports and other stuff.
I could easily get tired of listening to Finneran.
Speaking as a Democrat in Brian Joyce’s district our greatest fear is that we will loose him as a Senator if he should be offered an appointment in Deval’s administration!
Brian is one of the good guy’s. Hard working, smart and also willing to stick his neck out for issues he believes in. I have seen this guy contributing at town meetings late into the night, fighting on the hill to restore funding to our schools , and he (in what could be seen as a conservative, catholic district) was an early and ardent supporter of equal rights in marriage. His voting record is consistant and strong. He alway’s responds to the district’s needs.
He has been a next door neighbor and friend of Deval Patrick for many years, and while I can only assume,I feel that his conversations and council with Deval (along with Brian’s early support and tireless campaigning for him) is in a great way responsable for his decision to run and for our (the Commonwealth’s”) victory.
Brian is a Great Senator and a good man.
But in world full of people with high opinions of themselves, Brian’s self-importance and pomposity is a world unto its own. Starting from the day he walked in the building.