I hope people here at BMG will support the MCCC union, and speak out against what Romney has done to us. Last time he failed to fund a negotiated contract, he said it was because it had been negotiated under the previous governor. This time, it was his own people who negotiated with the union team.
And please don’t confuse the MCCC (Community Colleges’ union) with the unions that the state colleges and Umass are a part of–they are not the same. When UMass professors or state college professors get a raise, that does not mean the community college professors get a raise. The difference is important to remember.
Wouldn’t it be nice to work for zero salary?
Please share widely!
at UMass, where our faculty union has had several extended periods with no raises thanks to the governor’s office refusing to file contracts that they have negotiated, or even repudiating them after they are signed by vetoing funding for retroactive raises. One of my personal hopes for the new administration is that we get at least rational, transparent behavior out of them. Restoring trust to the bargaining process would be a big step toward restoring overall morale in the state higher ed system. And as you say, getting the money that was promised would be a big plus too. We’ve got our last round of raises and finally got the retro pay from the 2001-04 contract last month over His Expediency’s veto. Now thanks to the last round of unilateral cuts, some of those raises come out of the university’s base budget until or unless the legislature or new governor restore funding for them.
A thought about Mitt’s presidential prospects. Imagine for a moment that you seriously believed that God has prophesied the coming of a handsome, charismatic leader who will speak the language of morality while actually being the ultimate enemy of God and mankind. Who’s the most likely candidate on the American scene today — seeking the support of God-fearing people while secretly believing all kinds of unorthodox theology…
BTW, Sunderland Road in which town?
You guys ARE nervous!
As a community college student, hearing about this move by unGovernor Fraudney to stab my professors in the back infuriates me. Is my shot at success somehow less important than the student who can afford to study at UMass or Harvard?
And Brian McGrory thinks Romney’s a good guy… ha!
Just to be clear, are you working for zero salary, or are you simply working without a contract, and therefore under the terms of the old contract?
Mitt Romney’s salary–some people apparently don’t mind working for no pay (remember Romney chose to take no money for his job). So how can people who do not need to work for a living understand those of us who do.