Despite Mitt Romney’s summer home on Lake Winnipesaukee, despite his living about an hour away from the state line, and despite the fact that much of southern New Hampshire watches Mass. TV and therefore sees Romney’s cheery mug all the time, he’s still stuck in third place. The most recent poll shows him pretty much exactly where he’s been for months: at 12%, well behind John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. He can take some consolation, however, in the fact that he’s still eking out a lead over Condoleezza “I’m not running, have you got that? Not running!” Rice.
HT: Kim.
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trickle-up says
though I am sure he will do his darndest. But he’s a flip-flopper, a Mormon, and, irony of ironies, he’s from Massachusetts!
Constant news coverage of the Big Dig doesn’t exactly help him either.