A great day to be a Democrat. With pretty much everyone calling it for Tester in Montana, and Campaign Staffer Anonymous saying that George Felix Allen, Jr. is “disinclined” to contest his narrow but clear loss, I’m calling them both in the Democratic column. it looks like 50-49-1 for the Senate. (Lieberman gets to join the other 50 in my book after he’s been a good boy for a while).
I’d opened up a Senate prediction contest in early October, winner gets a beer of two at the next BMG eventish type shindig on me.
The winner is Wahoowa. He (she?) predicted the 14 closest races …and got them all right! Congrats Wahoowa!
Finally, my favorite Republican reaction to Election 2006 follows:
Properly, today should be a day of quiet meditation, and consolidating forces. It should be a day we regroup, and start planning for 2008.
To the pits of Hell with that. I have some long knives, and it’s time to start plunging.
It’s cool that I won, but I am even happier that my predictions and the results mean a Democrat majority in the Senate.
(And I’m a he).