Based on your comments, I will categorize the conested races.
Democrat Unopposed (22)
Joan Menard ,1st Bristol & Plymouth
Steven Baddour, 1st Essex
Frederick Berry, 2nd Essex
Susan Tucker 2nd Essex & Middlesex
Thomas Mcgee 3rd Essex & Middlesex
Stephen Buoniconti Hampden
Pat Jehlen 2nd Middlesex
Robert Havern 4th Middlesex
Cynthia Creem 1st Middlesex & Norfolk
Karen Spilka 2nd Middlesex & Norfolk
Jarrett Barrios Middlesex, Suffolk & Essex
Pamela Resor Middlesex & Worcester
Michael Morrissey Norfolk & Plymouth
Therese Murray Plymouth & Barnstable
Marc Pacheco 1st Plymouth & Bristol
Robert Creedon 2nd Plymouth & Bristol
Jack Hart 1st Suffolk
Robert Travaglini 1st Suffolk & Middlesex
Steven Tolman 2nd Suffolk & Middlesex
Stephen Brewer Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire & Franklin
Robert Antonioni Worcester & Middlesex
Richard Moore Worcester & Norfolk
Republican Unopposed (4)
Bruce Tarr, 1st Essex & Middlesex
Michael Knapik 2nd Hampden & Hampshire
Richard Tisei Middlesex & Essex
Scott Brown Norfolk, Bristol & Middlesex
Safe Democratic (10)
Hampshire & Franklin
Stanley Rosenberg (i), (D) Michaela Leblanc, (R)
Bristol & Norfolk
James Timilty (i), (D) Michael Atwill, (R)
Cape & Islands
Robert O’Leary (i), (D) Ricardo Barros, (R)
1st Middlesex
Steven Panagiotakos (i), (D) Brooks Lyman, (R)
3rd Middlesex
Susan Fargo (i), (D) Sandra Martinez, (R)
Norfolk, Bristol & Plymouth
Brian Joyce (i), (D) James Aldred, (R)
Suffolk & Norfolk
Marian Walsh (i), (D) Douglas Obey, (R)
2nd Suffolk
Dianne Wilkerson (i), (D) Samiyah Diaz, (R)
1st Worcester
Harriette Chandler (i), (D) Paul Nordborg, (R)
2nd Worcester
Edward Augustus (i), (D) Richard Peters, (R) John Lazzaro, (I)
Vulnerable Democratic (0)
Democratic Seats contested (2)
Berkshire, Hampshire & Franklin (open, Nucioforo, (D))
Benjamin Downing, (D) Matthew Kinnaman, (R) Dion Robbins-Zust, Green
2nd Bristol & Plymouth
Mark Montigny (i), (D) Raimundo Delgado, (I)
Safe Republican seats (1)
Plymouth & Norfolk
Robert Hedlund (i), (R) Stephen Lynch, (D)
Vulnerable Republican seats (0)
Republican seats contested (1)
1st Hampden & Hampshire (open, Lees, (R))
Gale Candaras, (D) Enrico Villamaino, (R)
is pretty safe — his opponent is the head of the Smith College student Republican club. Stan has had mailings, yard signs, and radio ads on the Air America affiliate made by local radio alum Rachel Maddow. I believe he did debate her, as he debated his 2004 opponent, as a useful civics lesson. I think I’ve seen only one sign for Leblanc, at the I-91 route 9 interchange in Northampton. Stan is wildly popular in these parts, particular on the UMass campus where he is well known to be our best friend in the legislature.
I think Timilty is in theory vulnerable, based upon the relatively low percentage (around 52%, I believe) he received in the open seat contest in 2004, and the fact that the area (Attleboro, etc.) is one of the more conservative areas of the state.
However, I get the impression that Atwill is not that strong of a candidate, and in a recent debate his main focus seemed to be on illigal immigrants and anti-stem cell, the first of which isn’t a huge issue with voters in the district and the second of which is just politically suicidal.
If I had to guess, based upon the incredible lack of competition in the Senate, that everything stays pretty much the same. The Dems might even pick up a seat (Lees’ open seat).
I guarantee that the following Dems have nothing to worry about:
Dianne Wilkerson
Robert O’Leary
Steven Pangiotakos
Susan Fargo
Brian Joyce
Marian Walsh
Hariette Chandler
Ed Augustus
The rest are probably safe too, but I don’t know enough about the races to be sure. My bet is that Candaras will pick up Lees’ seat and the senate will have 1 Republican less than it did this year.
and has a noticable presence in our area, but I honestly do not think she is going to beat Fargo. The better Patrick does the better Fargo will do. I am going to be sporting signs for both Patrick and Fargo on election day.
The only way Hedlund loses, is if voters confuse his opponent for the real Stephen Lynch. If Jim Cantwell or Bob Delahunt couldn’t beat Hedlund, there’s not a chance in hell that this screwball can win.
p>I posted the following analysis back in June:
Her district is far too solidly Democrat to even consider voting for a Republican. We’re talking about a district that elects a Green/Rainbow candidate to City Counci and runs John Bonifaz for Secretary of State. How many of these voters are going to give up on a solid liberal Democrat in favor of an inexperienced Republican?
If Samiyah gets 20% of the vote, she’ll have done an amazing job. I simply can’t imagine how she’d get more than 10,000 votes in Wilkerson’s district and there will be high Democratic turnout because of Patrick’s ground game, which also directly targets a lot of Wilkerson-inclined voters.
Considering that I haven’t seen a single Samiyah Diaz sign and that she’s not generating any buzz the way that Sonia Chang-Diaz did, I can’t see Diaz making this race competitive.