I just do not get Dianne Wilkerson. She seems like an incredible person except for her apparent stupidity about, or lack of attention to, money issues. Campaign finance laws should be taken seriously by all political leaders, Democrats and Republicans. They are there for a reason; to make sure that politicians are not unduly influenced by the people who have money to give, to the detriment of the people who have only their vote to give.
It is a smack in the face of the people who voted for her if Rep. Wilkerson is not concerned about complying with the campaign finance laws. She is being disrespectful to her constituents and she is being disrespectful to all the Democrats who care about campaign finance reform. If it is determined that she, in fact, has violated the campaign finance laws again, she should not only have to pay a fine, she should suffer some negative consequences to her political career.
She has been convicted of tax evasion. She was citied by a judge for violating the terms of her probation, because she wanted to atend politcal evernts at Pier 4, and it wasn’t CONVENIENT to wear her ankle bracelet!
We all could go on and on.
Why does the Democratic Party continue to enable her, and then cluck their tongues after her reelection? Does she have to be incarcerated like Asselin to break the spell?
She IS defensible – on the issues. She votes the way many of us would want her to. However, that doesn’t excuse her inability to deal with her financial life. I haven’t heard a good excuse for that – serious medical debt or family emergecies can tap a person out pretty bad and get you into financial trouble through no fault of your own, but I don’t think that’s her trouble. Which makes her suspect when it comes to dealing with the state’s finances…is she really an able public servant in dealing with those matters, if she can’t get her own sh*t together?
Petrof, Petrof, Petrof,
Let’s be honest here.
If anyone “enabled” Wilkerson it was not the “Democratic Party” but the “Republican Party”.
In a cynical move designed to split the Democratic vote and propel the weaker candidate, Republican Diaz entered the write in Democratic Primary.
She got her wish and beat the Democrat Diaz.
Boy wasn’t that confusing.
So before you go casting dispersions on us, note who endorsed Diaz over Wilkerson.
Wilkerson’s an embarrasment. This is a commonwealth choc-full of people who agree with her on the issues and could manage to go a month without making the front page of the Globe for some sort of blunder.
We deserve what we get for continually running her up there.
The Republican Diaz got into the Democratic primary before the Democratic Diaz did. Was it confusing for voters? I know it was – I talked to some coworkers from that district who are intelligent people and got the two candidates mixed up. The GOP Diaz didn’t do it to take votes away from the Dem Diaz, though. It was just bad luck for the Dem Diaz.
And frankly, I don’t consider BMG to be the Democratic Party.
Petrof, Petrof, Petrof,
Ad hominems do nothing for you or this site.
I know perfectly well Samiyah did not win. Nor is it the point. She jumped into the primary early as a means of ensuring two options, both in her favor:
1) The chance to run twice against Wilkerson if no one else entered the primary.
2) The chance to split the Democratic vote and help the weaker incumbent move on to the general.
She had nothing to lose and everything to gain by entering a primary that she did not belong in, and could not have run in had it not been a write-in contest.
To even remotely think that I am a Wilkerson supporter or that I am NOT thoroughly embarassed to have her in the party is just another red herring.
The fact is these discourses like “why does the party support her” or “keep putting her up” are erroneous at best. The party does not run candidates, candidates run on the party line.
Now, do you want to talk about the party should toss her out? Fine. I’ll join the club, I’ll donate money, I’ll make the phone calls to legilators. Indeed, is there a recall option for legislators? If there is, I’m sure its limited to her district so I can’t sign, but I’m willing to stand in a parking lot and ask others to sign. Those are the pertinent things that could be discussed about Wilkerson, so enough of the sniping nonsense that doesn’t match up to political realities.
Take out Dianne Wilkerson from the stats and I bet the Second Suffolk district has a really low crime rate.
at this thread and marvels at the reasons for supporting her in spite of her, um, transgressions.
got reelected; otherwise, you guys wouldn’t have the bete noir you so desperately seem to need.
And I, for one, can hardly wait for Wilkerson’s next ethical lapse so we can do it all over again. Which should be when her first campaign finance violation trial (not to be confused with her second campaign finance violation trial which will result from the AG referral this week) begins in December or so? BMG should get permission from the court to live blog the trial!
I just do not get Dianne Wilkerson. She seems like an incredible person except for her apparent stupidity about, or lack of attention to, money issues. Campaign finance laws should be taken seriously by all political leaders, Democrats and Republicans. They are there for a reason; to make sure that politicians are not unduly influenced by the people who have money to give, to the detriment of the people who have only their vote to give.
It is a smack in the face of the people who voted for her if Rep. Wilkerson is not concerned about complying with the campaign finance laws. She is being disrespectful to her constituents and she is being disrespectful to all the Democrats who care about campaign finance reform. If it is determined that she, in fact, has violated the campaign finance laws again, she should not only have to pay a fine, she should suffer some negative consequences to her political career.
She has been convicted of tax evasion. She was citied by a judge for violating the terms of her probation, because she wanted to atend politcal evernts at Pier 4, and it wasn’t CONVENIENT to wear her ankle bracelet!
We all could go on and on.
Why does the Democratic Party continue to enable her, and then cluck their tongues after her reelection? Does she have to be incarcerated like Asselin to break the spell?
And frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if many usual Dem suspects left that line blank or voted for an opponant in the general.
People tried like gangbusters to get her out of the legislature, as far as I could tell…incumbants do have an advantage and she kept hers.
But I read too many defenses of her on BMG to not take that with a grain of salt.
She IS defensible – on the issues. She votes the way many of us would want her to. However, that doesn’t excuse her inability to deal with her financial life. I haven’t heard a good excuse for that – serious medical debt or family emergecies can tap a person out pretty bad and get you into financial trouble through no fault of your own, but I don’t think that’s her trouble. Which makes her suspect when it comes to dealing with the state’s finances…is she really an able public servant in dealing with those matters, if she can’t get her own sh*t together?
Petrof, Petrof, Petrof,
Let’s be honest here.
If anyone “enabled” Wilkerson it was not the “Democratic Party” but the “Republican Party”.
In a cynical move designed to split the Democratic vote and propel the weaker candidate, Republican Diaz entered the write in Democratic Primary.
She got her wish and beat the Democrat Diaz.
Boy wasn’t that confusing.
So before you go casting dispersions on us, note who endorsed Diaz over Wilkerson.
Wilkerson’s an embarrasment. This is a commonwealth choc-full of people who agree with her on the issues and could manage to go a month without making the front page of the Globe for some sort of blunder.
We deserve what we get for continually running her up there.
The Republican Diaz got into the Democratic primary before the Democratic Diaz did. Was it confusing for voters? I know it was – I talked to some coworkers from that district who are intelligent people and got the two candidates mixed up. The GOP Diaz didn’t do it to take votes away from the Dem Diaz, though. It was just bad luck for the Dem Diaz.
And frankly, I don’t consider BMG to be the Democratic Party.
Petrof, Petrof, Petrof,
Ad hominems do nothing for you or this site.
I know perfectly well Samiyah did not win. Nor is it the point. She jumped into the primary early as a means of ensuring two options, both in her favor:
1) The chance to run twice against Wilkerson if no one else entered the primary.
2) The chance to split the Democratic vote and help the weaker incumbent move on to the general.
She had nothing to lose and everything to gain by entering a primary that she did not belong in, and could not have run in had it not been a write-in contest.
To even remotely think that I am a Wilkerson supporter or that I am NOT thoroughly embarassed to have her in the party is just another red herring.
The fact is these discourses like “why does the party support her” or “keep putting her up” are erroneous at best. The party does not run candidates, candidates run on the party line.
Now, do you want to talk about the party should toss her out? Fine. I’ll join the club, I’ll donate money, I’ll make the phone calls to legilators. Indeed, is there a recall option for legislators? If there is, I’m sure its limited to her district so I can’t sign, but I’m willing to stand in a parking lot and ask others to sign. Those are the pertinent things that could be discussed about Wilkerson, so enough of the sniping nonsense that doesn’t match up to political realities.
Take out Dianne Wilkerson from the stats and I bet the Second Suffolk district has a really low crime rate.
at this thread and marvels at the reasons for supporting her in spite of her, um, transgressions.
got reelected; otherwise, you guys wouldn’t have the bete noir you so desperately seem to need.
I think that was Barney’s wife on the Flintstones. (note to self: take french)
A pet peeve, French for “black beast.” Or else, a flourless chocolate cake. Take your pick!
…especially in the context of ‘flour’ making ‘bread’…
We don’ need no steenkin’ barges!
p> – Dan
Shuts down computer.
And I, for one, can hardly wait for Wilkerson’s next ethical lapse so we can do it all over again. Which should be when her first campaign finance violation trial (not to be confused with her second campaign finance violation trial which will result from the AG referral this week) begins in December or so? BMG should get permission from the court to live blog the trial!