The civic engagement working group will hold its first public meeting in Millbury (near Worcester). The K-12 education working group will also participate in this meeting.
Tuesday, Dec. 5
7:00 pm
Millbury Junior/Senior High School
12 Martin St., Millbury, MA
A map and driving directions are available in the calendar entry for this event. All these meetings are open to all members of the public and to the press. Details on the rest of our public meetings will (I hope) be forthcoming very soon.
Also, I’ve temporarily bumped the “upcoming events” box up to the top left-hand corner of the screen so that it’s more visible, and I will post announcements of all working group public meetings there as I receive them.
and I hope to have some high school students in tow. Looking forward to it.
IhopeIhopeIhopeIhope. ::fingers crossed::
oh wait……(cue devilishly laughter)
A T|X with wifi!
OK, it’s not a laptop…I’m working on it…
kiss my ear! đŸ˜›
but I work on the Cape from Sun. through Wed.
Ah well. Have fun everybody!
From roughly the Somerville/Medford area?
I think we ought to make sure we put our butts in the seats if we really care about this.
I’m willing to take 3-4 people.
Just 2 miles away and I can’t go..
1.) No public access transportation to that part of Millbury –
2.) Last bus stops running to my part of Worcester at 7:45pm, but I’m sure David, you’ll find a way to get us any and all info about the meeting. Hope you can plan something in the day time in Worcester.
12 Martin St. doesn’t sound familiar, what type of business is it?
Are there agendas ahead of time? Or a format, we might be able to comment on, if we can’t attend?
Didn’t check the map link first to see it was at the H.S.
I was really hoping we’d see you there. We decided to hold our meetings in the evening so that people with day jobs can attend. Any chance of working out a ride …?
Anyway, yes, there are several ways to comment if you can’t attend the public meetings. Of course, you can leave comments here on BMG, and I’ll see all of those. You can also send comments to the transition teams at this link, and I think there will be a way to submit written comments to the public meetings (but details TBA on that one).
Can you ask the transition folks at to post this stuff in a timely manner on their website? It seems like these meetings are going to have to happen soon, and some of us need some lead time (e.g. I’ll be traveling next week, and my wife would like to attend the K-12 meeting, so we need a babysitter). In addition, it sure would be nice to have a ready source of info about the members of these working committees. I know doing so is a lot of work; howsabout requesting that members provide their own bios (or at least a link).
I took a shot at the Technology group here, but I’d rather not have to do the footwork for every group. That effort was in response to a story about an Microsoft PR person being appointed to the technology group, which seems funny given MS’s relatively small presence in the state, and the MS-ODF flap.
I realize that you just co-chair one group, and don’t run the show, but I figured I’d bitch and moan here as well as contacting the transition team directly. Seems like if one is going to do the open and grassroots thing (which I am all for), one needs to be fastidious about it. Again, this comment is directed at the transition team, not you.
raised the calendar issue with them — they promise a solution in short order. Stay tuned…
I can travel in reg. vehicle…and walk very short distances, and have a HP placard.
So if any of you out the criteria…….I soooooo want to go…and meet all of you…..
If you can accommodate me, can they get my email from you, David? I don’t want to publicize my email……the mail might never slow down.. and the local press has already tracked me down. (for negative comments (AND I REFUSE TO GIVE THEM THAT SOUND BITE).
Thanks…I hope we can work it out, cause I can’t get to Lawrence, either.
I am planning a small welcoming committee, for Deval when he comes to Worcester on the 12th, to be keynote for the Cent. MA Chamber of Commerce. Many of us that have been supporters since before the convention, have not had a chance to see him since the election and we want him to know we are all STILL Together and still working on his vision.
So if you’re going to be in Worcester on the 12th, at around 11:30, and can’t afford the $60.00 lunch ticket, email me and we can make this a great Christmas present for him, and get more publicity for the working groups and send message that Civic engagement IS more than just a working group. MUCH MORE!
You’ve got a couple of offers for rides downthread.
can you shoot me an e-mail please. My addy is in my profile.
I guess I will get to meet everyone after all, Wha hooooo. Sue check your reg. email.
Thanks for the hook up, David.
if i go, i can give a ride from worcester. are there others who might need a ride?
hoping everyone who wants a ride from worcester has one? if you don’t and need one, email me in the next 30 minutes (my profile has an email address), or let me know here.