Pennsylvania Senate: MSNBC calls for Bob Casey. Bye-bye Rick Santorum, and jolly good riddance.
MSNBC says Menendez in NJ. Sanders cruises in VT. All good news so far.
Sherrod Brown wins in Ohio! A terrific progressive pickup.
Gay-baiting John Hostettler in IN-8 loses to Dem Brad Ellsworth.
Cardin beats Steele for MD-Sen.
Lieberman holds on in CT. The Dems will need to marginalize *him*, not the other way around.
CNN calling RI-Sen for Whitehouse. I wish Linc Chafee were the worst the GOP had to offer.
Paul Hodes is IN in NH-01!
Please share widely!
Woo Friggin Hoo!!
MSNBC just called it
Something very good has happened in the senate races tonight!
MSNBC has NH-01 going democratic – This could be huge!
This is an important hold for the Dems.
A dem pickup. We need 5 more to get the senate (and a hold in MD, but that looks pretty good).
Donnelly is handily beating Chocolo in Indiana CD-2 which is a key to the tidalwave that is about to hit. Also encouraging is Hill crushing Sodrel in CD-9 (they’ve traded the last two elections) and Ellsworth whipping Hostetler in CD-8. Webb is looking very good in VA against Senator Macaca and in Tennessee it rained heavily all day in the heavy Republican sections of the state and was reasonably clear and warm in the Democratic sections.
How would Jesus vote?
UGh. Not entirely surprising, but incredibly unfortunate.
Cnn calling RI for him based on exit polls and “otehr info”
MANCHESTER – Updated, 9:52 p.m. Paul Hodes has beaten U.S. Rep. Charles Bass. The GOP has lost one key state Senate seat as Betsi DeVries defeats Manchester Sen. Andre Martel. Democrats swept most of the city’s House seats.
Hodes has won NH-02 and Shea-Porter is clinging to a small lead in NH-01. Shea-Porter is up a little over 1000 over Jeb Bradley with 86% in. From all-red delegation to an all-blue one in one election cycle? That would be awesome!
Now up by 3,600 with 89% reporting. This would truly be a shocker, this race NEVER made it on to the radar of most analysts. It’s still not a key race according to CNN or the NY Times.
CNN town by town results
S-P won Portsmouth 70%-30%. Still waiting for Durham — they’ll go for her too, right?
Crappy joke. But I am so proud of our northernly neighbors: the socialist senator and the red-blue switch.
Wolf blitzer, though CNN is saying dems need 3 seats, is projecting the house for dems. đŸ™‚
Now lets get us 3 senate seats!
She has a 5000+ vote lead with 96% reporting; only 5 precincts left. NH is going Democratic, and it’s a great day.
Carol Shea-Porter is the upset of the night. She was solidly outspent in the primary by a DCCC-backed Democrat who was supposed to take the nomination in a walk. She put that one away, and wasn’t supposed to have a chance in the general. Her campaign has been low-spending and very grassroots. This is a very satisfying and important win.
Now, waiting for John Tester, Debra Bowen, Angie Paccione, and Jerry McNerny…