John Keller asks an intriguiging question:
One final question before we put the John Kerrys lame, narcissistic, deplorable, tone-deaf aw hell, Kerryesque performance of the last three days behind us: Who broke the news to him that he was going to issue an abject apology RIGHT NOW?
Howard Dean? No way. Chuck Schumer? Not likely. Teresa? LOL.
My moneys on Ted Kennedy. But who knows? If you do, e-mail me the goods, confidentiality assured.
Now, there is NOTHING that BMG excels at more than insider-baseball political speculation. And that is a compliment!
So – for our friend John – who made the call?
My money is on Harry Reid, who wants control of the Senate.
Please share widely!
The candidates he was going to stump for who told him no thanks.
p> – Dan
Wrong hypothesis.
It was Don Imus.
Next poll: When do we start seeing bumper stickers for Markey, Meehan, et al, for US Senate? Whose sticker shows up first?
Lessee. How can I get a John Tierney For Senate bumper sticker made up pronto?
THough I’d love to see Barney run as well. Not Meehan, please please please.
You wrong me, sir!