Meeting info from a colleague who is Chair, Health Care Committee, Mass. League of Women Voters (BTW for years the League has been a staunch supporter of Single Payer Universal Coverge reform)
Health Care Working Group public meetings:
1. Tuesday, Dec 5 from 4-6 P.M. in Boston. It is to be held in the Jackie Jenkins Scott Bldg, Dimock Community Health Center, Roxbury.
2. Wednesday Dec 6 from 6-8P.M. in Plymouth
3. Thursday Dec 7 from 10:00AM to Noon in Springfield.
More information about the meetings should be obtainable from MA Health Council, tel. 617-965-3711.
Please share widely!
this just in via an email from Bill Walczak, CEO of Codman Square Cm’ty Health Center, and a member of the Patrick/Murray Healthcare Working Group:
While I’m updating things, here’s a trio of 3 resources on this topic that might be of use to folks:
1) Principles
The Patrick/Murray transition committee’s Health Care Working Group has just published its 4 core working principles. They are:
p> * Full implementation of health care reform as a critical step toward an ultimate goal of ensuring health care for every man, woman and child
p> * Promoting public health, wellness & prevention
p> * Implementing greater cost savings, quality and affordability
p> * Addressing capacity issues
The co-chairs and members of the Health Care Working Group are charged with collecting the broadest possible input for each principle, suggestions for measuring progress, and identifying other opportunities for the Patrick/Murray Administration to pursue both in the short and long term. The Working Group has been asked to complete all of its work and submit a report by December 15th.
2) Public Meetings
In order to accomplish this formidable task, the Working Group will facilitate input through three accessible community meetings as well as through more informal outreach. Community meetings are scheduled as follows:
p> * Tuesday, December 5th from 4-6 pm in Boston * Wednesday, December 6th from 6-8 pm in Plymouth * Thursday, December 7th from 10:00 am-12:00 pm in Springfield
Meeting details are available at http://www.patrickmu…
The Health Care Working Group also invites direct input at and invites organizations to assist in outreach by forwarding this information.
3) Working group members
I found the team members list from a BMG post of all places, link below, that lists all the working group members (finally! I had to search a bit; knew I’d seen the list and it’s not on the Patrick Transition website, that I could find at least) http://www.bluemassg…
Healthcare Working Group Members:
Chair, Tom Glynn, COO, Partners Health Care
Chair, Cleve Killingsworth, CEO, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts
Chair, Jim Hunt, President and CEO, Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers
Dr. Margarita Alegria, Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Center for Multicultural Mental Health Research Cambridge Health Alliance
Carol Dilliplane, CNO/Vice President, Patient Care Services, Jordan Hospital
Charlie Goheen, Vice President and CFO, Fallon Community Health Plan
Phil Johnston, Chairman of the Board, Mass Health Policy Forum
Melissa Shannon, Policy Coordinator, Health Care for All
Mark Tolosky, President, Bay State Health
Dr. M. Idali Torres, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, UMASS-Amherst
Tom Traylor, Vice President of Federal, State, Local Programs, Boston Medical Center
Bill Walczak, Executive Director, Program Codman Square Health Center
Sue Windham Bannister, Managing Vice President, Abt Associates
Richard Charette, President, UFCW Local 1445
Christine Schuster, President & CEO, Emerson Hospital
Jim Roosevelt, President and CEO, Tufts Health Plan
Dr. Robert Master, Founder, Urban Medical Group