Columnist Dan Savage, in his globally syndicated Savage Love sex advice column, offers an excellent question someone here should ask His Expediency next time an opportunity presents itself:
Concerned Women for America and the Christian Coalition and Mitt Romney and Pat Robertson have all made it clear that they think it’s wrong for lesbians to have children. Would someone in the media please ask them the obvious follow-up question: How the fuck do they propose to stop lesbians from having children? Post two members of the National Guard at the entrance to every lesbian vagina in the country? Forced sterilizations at women’s music festivals? Mandatory abortions for every lesbian who does manage to get herself pregnant?
I for one would be fascinated to hear how far he is willing to go. Maybe a promise that forcible sterilizations at women’s music festivals will be his first legislative order of business is just the kind of bold gesture his faltering campaign needs to capture the support of the regressives.
upon reaching puberty, each male will deposit a bit o semen into the cryobank. he will then immediately receive a vasectomy. upon marriage, his state-certified wife may be impregnated with the stored semen upon their mutual approval.
there. that takes care of all unwanted pregnancies AND abortions.
I am going to have to discuss this proposal with my philosophy students.
the fundie orgs and their adherents always go after the egg, never the sperm.
Well, this is different from stopping the same-sex conception I am talking about. To stop that, we enact the egg and sperm law and set up harsh penalties to jail and fine all the parties involved in attempting it, like we’d do if we prohibited cloning or human-animal experimentation. Is there any doubt that we can effectively stop that stuff?
What we are talking about here is stopping natural unmarried conception. We obviously can’t stop all unmarried conception, but that doesn’t mean it has to be allowed. The law itself can have effective power due to people respecting law itself. We can also easily punish people that commercially facilitate unmarried conception, by closing sperm banks that and arresting people. We can set up sting operations to get people that might sell sperm over the internet just as surely as we can arrest people selling child porn or drugs. We can even arrest women for rape if they did not get full informed consent for sexual intercourse, because full informed consent to all the responsibilities of intercourse is only officially given by saying “I DO” marriage. OK, that’s not gonna happen, but we could easily close sperm banks and arrest people that publicly advertise.
Sort of like me saying Kucinich, Webb, and Byrd are all members of the Democratic Party, erco, their opinions and concerns are all the same?