Will the congregation please take their seats and still their keyboards for the service. Today’s reading is from the Book of Deval Chapter 2, Verses 1-9
And Lo, as Deval set upon the road to Boston to take his seat, he was besieged by demons. Familiars of the evildoers cried out at the opulence of his coronation, yelling “turn away from the honey of the market sellers, lest ye join in their filth. Hold to the purity of spirit that brought you here.” The crowd traveling aside Deval spurned these familiars, couched by the spirit of Deval to remain untouched while wallowing in the usurers’ money. Deval smiled upon the crowd, pure through the sweetened milk of which he had partaken.
Further down the road, a greater spirit of evil appeared. To a crowd, the Travaligni misled by saying “Our land is the province of all, not one. I have sworn to protect the land regardless of who sits above or aside me. I welcome Deval but am mindful of all our oaths.” The crowd of followers jeered at the spirit of evil and objected to this shadow of caution. Deval’s followers did not satisfy until the Travaligni repeated his words in gentler tone, and the spirit of Deval was seen about him. The crowd resumed the journey to coronation and Deval saw it was good.
Now go in peace to love and serve the governor-elect.